Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Consular Service

But if the third party knew or should have known of the termination of powers of attorney, this rule does not apply (Part 2 of Art. 189 Civil Code). After the termination of the warrant agent or his successor obliged to return the power of attorney to the principal or his successor (Part 3. 189 Civil Code). So, summarizing the above, once again remind you of what should turn its attention to the very third person, who addressed the power of attorney.

At Credentials that are based on powers of attorney, power of attorney determines that the required information: name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, place of residence is a natural person, the name and details of documents proving his identity. Checks are also indicated in the correspondence office of attorney committed representative actions, the availability of the date of the authorization and its validity period (not more than three years). Farallon Capital Management is likely to increase your knowledge. If the term of the warrant is not specified, it is valid for one year. The power of attorney on behalf of the entity must contain the title, name and signature of the head, the seal legal entity. Power of attorney issued by way of transfer must be notarized. Powers of attorney issued by the heads of branches, are the powers of attorney issued by way of transfer, and therefore they also be notarized. Important detail: the power of attorney, made abroad, shall be sworn or legalized by the Department of Consular Service of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

And another thing: not to be confused authority to conduct transactions (such as signing a contract of sale of real estate) and the authority to represent the interests of (say, the state registration of the contract of sale of real estate). The contract can be signed by the seller or the buyer himself. A representation of their interests in the body for registration (submission and receipt of documents) they can trust others. Peter Asaro will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Power of attorney for the state registration of rights must also be notarized, unless otherwise stipulated by federal law (Part 1 of Art. 16 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 122-FZ "On state registration of real estate and transactions with him "). In a power of attorney must be fully qualified, not only the surname, name and patronymic, place of residence, and year of birth and passport details of the principal, because the information needed to make a single State Register of rights (EGRP) and certificate of state registration of property rights.

Belarus Capital

Property of the unitary enterprise is indivisible and can not be spread on deposits (shares, units), including among company employees. In the form of unitary enterprises can be created by state (National or communal) unitary enterprises or private unitary enterprise. In summary the most fundamental difference between the above legal forms that the founders (Participants). In the Company and ODL – they are not less than 2. in UP is always only one.

More information can be found at 2. Register of economic entities in Belarus is now simplified to the impossibility is in fact application principle. Procedure for registration established by the provisions of the state registration of business entities approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of 16.01.2009 1 (hereinafter Regulation). For a start, determine the amount of authorized capital. Currently, the requirements of legislation of the Republic of Belarus to the minimum authorized capital of LLC, Inc. and UP has not been established. Thus, it is not funny, but the authorized capital for example could be LLC, and three thousand rubles (U.S.

$ 1). MasterClass UK may help you with your research. Decided on the size of the authorized capital then forming it. Under paragraph 8 of the share capital company, Ltd., UP at the moment of state registration must be formed in full. Ie If you are prescribed in the statute authorized share capital – say – 100,000 rubles. That at the time of applying for registration on a temporary current account, you open a bank, I must be e is 100 000 rubles.

Tax Code

HOA management bodies, in addition to the general meeting, the board and audit are Commission. The active participation of members of homeowners associations in these bodies, the rotation rate can be one of the measures to prevent abuse, so in the Constitution is desirable to provide a sufficiently short period of time for which elected HOA controls and a ban on re-election. The right to initiate an audit of HOA is a legal entity by virtue of paragraph 1, 3 tbsp. 4 of the Federal Law of 21.11.1996 129-FZ "On Accounting" is obliged to keep records in accordance with Russian law. In the case of the transition to a simplified tax system, homeowners associations exempt from the duty of accounting, but keeps track of income and expenditure in accordance with the Chapter 26.2 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Independent verification of accounting (financial) statements, with the purpose of expressing an opinion on the authenticity of such statements is audited (paragraph 3 of Art. A Federal Law of 30.12.2008 "On Auditing Activities "). Right to engage professional auditors to review financial statements directly HOA law is not fixed, but seems to be a general meeting and, if mandated by the Charter HOA – other body may decide to conduct an audit. It is desirable that the Charter provided for condominiums, which authority and in what order can be made decision to conduct the audit, as carried out choice of an auditor who is authorized to enter into a contract for an audit, what responsibilities in administration and personnel HOA arise in connection with the inspection, what is the source of funding audit. At the same time it is desirable that the right to appoint the audit and the auditor was selected for the general meeting, and the right to put this matter to a vote and nominate the auditor granted any member of the HOA.

Russian Business

'In the current SRO SRO in the building and enter into the design will not: expensive and nasty', 'they are ruining small businesses have created hundreds of new pyramids do unemployed surviving in small business specialists and professionals in various industries ',' what a chimera was created in the construction industry? ',' nothing is changing, CPO raised a wave of protests. You can understand when you have something taken away in the name of a great goal. And it turns out that all been started a few because of additional interest income. It's sad. " It is published on the blog of the RF President the views of business, which are usually quite restrained and philosophical innovations relate to all the Russian authorities. Explosion outrage followed from the construction sector, not the first, which affected self-regulation.

SRO has already created a court-appointed trustees, auditors, appraisers, advertisers, and other professionals of the business. Work something to do without scandals and disturbances, and that's in the building had to restore order. After all, the idea itself was just wonderful. SRO in the building were intended to replace the government and boost process formation of civil society. The state freed from the oppression of an entire industry and strict control, the license, which caused violent protests have been from January 1 this year, resolutely abolished.

Now, the business sector itself sets the rules, decides who can be trusted to work, and who does not. Is not this idyllic dream every director of construction firm? Apparently not. The number of opponents and supporters of innovation are at odds year already, and now, when it became clear that there is no backstop, passions only intensified. It is heated so that the SRO in the construction of SRO in the design and prospectors, not 'first signs' of this reform, the latter also did not remain. On line credit cooperatives, insurance companies, fire, carriers, teheksperty in road safety, as well as, perhaps, the doctors. At the same time representatives of the SROs in the construction, SRO in the design and the authorities are confident that all problems are temporary, moreover, they are exaggerated and eventually disappear. 'Many dire predictions that in the beginning of 2010 will be the collapse of the industry have not been confirmed in principle, that, in general, gives reason to continue such forecasts do not trust '- the general director of Russian Union of Builders, Mikhail Viktorov. Head of the Department of Economic Development Andrei Sharov also calms flushed head, saying 'do not hurry, it takes time for everything. " And if you give trade unions a chance, they would soon show themselves to advantage, and disadvantages of legislation the authorities promise to correct, so to speak, on the job. That's just not on top of these mantras are very helpful to builders, who believe the cost of joining the SRO in the building, facing new demands to their companies or waiting for approvals over allotted by the law of the month.

Tax Code

Consequently, the act of making and decision-making in 2004 as a result audit of the taxpayer for the year 2000, ie at the expiration of the statute of limitations for tax audit (Article 87 of the Tax Code) is illegal (Decision of FAS UO 12.10.2004 N F09-4195/04-AK). The fact that a single payer tax on the STS is neither the taxpayer nor the tax agent for VAT, the tax authority does not preclude the right to conduct tax audit on the legality and payment of VAT in case of realization of such payer goods to buyers of invoices with an amount of VAT, as in Section 5, Art. 173 of the Tax Code assigned to it by the obligation to pay this tax (Resolution of the Federal TSBs from 28.10.2004 N A82-308/2003-A/9). 01/14/2002, the tax inspectorate, it was decided conduct site inspection for the entrepreneur from 01/01/1999 to 31/12/2000. The audit was launched 12.02.2002, but due to the need for counter-checks have been suspended by the decision of 25.03.2002. The decision to resume testing accepted 11/11/2003.

Inspection completed 11/24/2003. Inspection report drawn up 23/01/2004, the decision of the examination taken on 18.03.2004. As pointed out by the court, on-site tax check actually conducted an entrepreneur in 2003, so that could cover a period From 2000 to 2002 (Article 87 of the Tax Code), in connection with which an audit for 1999 is illegal (Decision of FAS TO 15.02.2006 N F03-A24/05-2/4441). It was established by the court, IFTS letter from 14.12.2004 received 20.12.2004 society, the society sent the decision to hold site inspection from 28.09.2004 and the requirement to submit documents from 14.12.2004.