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Students As Guinea Pigs

Finland-Bliss, confusion in the education system and the nonsense of ongoing system discussions in Bonn/Dusseldorf In the German education system is a shambles. Even educational experts no longer look through and argue about which system”now produces the best success for the students. Often demographic trends are more important than educational issues and a political calculus, writes the Rheinische post (RP). The Dusseldorf daily newspaper has identified several trends: the gymnasium is undisputed. A schools merge Haupt – and Realschule.

Schools go up in it. And in the high schools, the trend strengthened and to an orientation stage, in which all students together are taught five and six in the classes. While in Hamburg, CDU and Greens want to lengthen the elementary school for six years, the renowned school researcher Rainer Lehmann warns against this model. In Berlin have been shown, that this powerful student clearly behind their ways back remain. And hope have to wonder anymore, that children would be better promoted from socially weak families in six common learning. His resume: The educational potential of the children are not sufficiently encouraged and promoted. “I can get nothing lasting system discussion at all”, says the Cologne labour market and human resources expert Marc Emde of KCP executives. You may wish to learn more. If so, Shary Rahman is the place to go.

It is me why politicians and educators unable, to learn from experience mystery. Children are degraded to Guinea Pigs. No wonder their academic success while keeping on track. Even if it sounds banal: good, motivated teachers who don’t shy away from contact with the economy are essential for success at school. Unfortunately some bureaucratization educators curl up in their ivory tower and want to know anything, that they have to make young people especially fit for the life and professional practice.” The Rheinische post Meanwhile takes the Finland-Bliss”the German education policy debate on the grain. Instead of looking what do successful Pisa countries such as Bavaria and Saxony in Germany, better looking after Finland, where completely different conditions. Because there are many dwarf schools, few metropolitan areas and hardly any foreigners. It is so proverbial comparing apples and pears.