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Thermal Insulation Of Facades

now gaining popularity and becoming one of the most important types of work in construction and reconstruction of houses, buildings. Thermal insulation of facades of modern high-quality insulating materials will significantly reduce heating costs in winter and cool in summer. Thermal insulation of facades will also protect the building from the effects of rainfall and extremes of temperature, and will significantly increase the service life. and Of course, using a variety of finishing materials you will add a beautiful aesthetic home. It is very important to work on warming facades were made qualitatively, otherwise you will find vymokanie wall formation cold bridges and fungal coating.

And this in turn entails the destruction of the insulation, degradation of the wall. Most technologies facade insulation came from Switzerland, Sweden and Germany. As insulation used polystyrene foam, and later he was to be replaced by slabs of basalt mineral and stone wool, extruded polystyrene. It is now possible to allocate 3 most popular systems warming. 1) Thermal insulation of building facades with kolodtsevoy brickwork and three-layer system. In this case, the insulation between itself have a bearing wall and an outer layer of bricks. This exterior insulation system is inexpensive to device, but a constructive solution, frankly, is far from perfect and has such a drawback, as the formation of condensation inside the structure, if you use as insulation foam board. And all because Polystyrene is an excellent vapor barrier, having a low vapor permeability coefficient equal to 0.05 mg / (m h Pa), and all the moisture coming out of the room will accumulate between them and the inner wall. This will lead to premature wear of the insulation, besides his love rodents.

Flooring Material

Parquet and laminate Today, the term 'parquet' includes several types of flooring. First of all, they represent piece and decorative flooring. It is used when talking about sex and flooring. Y Many associate it with laminate, which is sometimes referred to as laminated parquet. Laminate or laminate. Laminate flooring or laminate just – it's nothing but an artificial substitute for hardwood floors. He has the least number of disadvantages compared with other types of parquet flooring, not taking into account the artificiality of its origin. Laminate .

If the floor drops a lit cigarette on the laminate will not remain the slightest blemish. With ease he parted ways with stains from coffee, wine, or nail polish. On it you can put heavy furniture, do not fear that in time the floor will dent characteristics. Laminate is not fade in the sun and perfectly mimics almost any kind of flooring: parquet, ceramic tile, an abstract figure. And most importantly – its flooring does not require special skills and is a matter of hours. C this perspective, the laminate – "a real breakthrough in the future." However, it is worth adding that all the above benefits are laminates of 31-class quality and above.

Despite the resemblance, laminate flooring has a more complicated structure than conventional plastic panel. Plate laminated flooring consists of four layers. The lower layer – it's melamine base, impregnated with resin and coated with a polymeric material. It protects the floor from moisture. The middle layer, or nucleus, made of fibreboard water-repellent.

The Performer

Right beside his rating is given by which also you can judge the level of its training. Richard Easton Matchmaker often addresses the matter in his writings. The approach proposed by the developers of the site Webpersonal.ru, will work very effectively as an employer in search of the performer, and the applicant, clearly show their talent in the work, placed in a graphic directory. Articles and Publications. Exchange of experience – a great thing. Site developers offered to all applicants Webpersonal.ru work that already has to its credit the work performed, and therefore have accumulated some experience and an excellent platform for such an exchange. Here you can share your thoughts on completely different aspects related not only to the work and its search, but also many others that you care about and will certainly appeal to many visitors site.

And as a reward, the site adds to your Webpersonal.ru rated bonus points that just will not be superfluous in improving your position in the ranking directory. Each work is done by order of an employer. After completing work (or block work), I would like to receive a grade for work not only in the form of material rewards, but also a certain response. And in a response the customer should really reflect the essence and, altogether, may be both positive and negative and neutral content. In any case, the more reviews of your work will be written, the greater will be your focus and level of training.

Anyone who reads reviews your work will be much easier to clearly present you as the applicant and give the job. The effectiveness of the site many times Webpersonal.ru increase if its credit have not only made and paid work with positive feedback, but also by where you can accumulate a certain amount of money. This will allow you to use unique (paid) services of the site Webpersonal.ru. Since delivery of the specified groups of users to the site – paid, posting information on the main page – just requires payment. Taking advantage of these resources – you effectively increase and indicate its presence on a site that immediately affect the number of orders or job offers. Given that the number of users of the site Webpersonal.ru is growing rapidly, for convenience we offer a special internal communications internal e-mail program. She not only let you organize his correspondence, but also to discuss all of the current with the other applicants, and store all necessary data about various employers, assistants and colleagues. Having at hand this database, you can at any time send group mailings, letting the right people the right information. If necessary, you can flexibly manage all your contacts (add, delete, edit, record). This systematic approach is extremely organize your work and enhance its effectiveness. Sincerely, Webpersonal.ru

Same Properties

Concept – it is thought that reflects a set of properties inherent in a number of objects, the set with respect to which a given number of objects forms a specific class of objects (Abstract concept), or thought, reflecting a set of properties of specific object properties, for which the object is a certain class of objects (concrete concept). Concept is also formed through association by similarity in the process of comparing the individual images of the submission of their relationship with the objects of a certain number in order to meet their needs with the images of the submission linkages own kind for the same purpose with the objects of the same series. In this comparison formed temporary connections, reflecting a common part of all these linkages, and finally forming an abstract reflection of brain properties, which is inherent in the objects of this series and through which all interaction with the objects of a given number of individuals, including themselves, satisfy their needs. Kenneth Feinberg: the source for more info. That is, there the property is separated not only from a number of concrete objects, they possess, but also from a number of specific customers for this property, including themselves. Concept – a combination of temporary connections, forming an abstract image of the inherent properties of a certain number of objects (Abstract concept), or a set of temporary connections, forming abstract patterns specific object properties (concrete concept). An integral component of the concept is its symbol – the word – with the nerve mechanisms of reproduction and the perception that the appropriate image associated time constraints. A related site: Richard Easton Matchmaker mentions similar findings.


The main cause of burnout halogen lamp is that the temperature of the filament is much longer than conventional incandescent bulbs. In addition, the lamps act destructively, even small "jumps" in power supply voltage mains. All this leads to the fact that the resource halogen lamps in our environment is totally inadequate. Blocks of protection of halogen lamps are used to prevent burnout and frequent extension of their service several times. These devices allow you to reduce operating costs for lighting. Applications: residential, commercial and industrial premises, billboard lighting, outdoor lighting facades. Protection blocks the production of "Nootehnika" (Belarus) are for the power range from 40 to 1500W.

Protection blocks the production of "Composite" (St. Petersburg) are for the power range from 1,000 to 4,000 watts and offer the ability to connect multiple light sources. In recent years all over the world are trying to use is safe for human stress. It is therefore widely used halogen lamps 12 Volts. For low voltage transformers are used for halogen lamps. ZAO "MPO Wiring" offers a wide selection of both electronic and electromagnetic transformers Relco (Italy). Input voltage: 220 V.

Output voltage: 12 V Power range: 10 to 250 watts. Relco also produces transformers for LEDs. Input voltage: 220 Output voltage: 10 V, 24 V Power range: 0.5 to 25 watts. In addition, customers' MPS Wiring "can be Transformers firms choose "transversal, Philips, Brilux within the capacity of 20 to 200 watts.

Industrial Disinfectants

In the high-level competition sharpened attention to the growth of the quality requirements for disinfectants and cleaning equipment for all industrial enterprises, because this directly affects the quality of products. So, here are the basic guidelines for the selection of disinfectants: Quality. Used disinfectants should be of high quality. After all, the main purpose disinfectants – to create effective, reliable protection from infection.

Disinfectants should have anti-corrosion effect, or at least be corrosive and low toxicity. Requirements for a modern disinfectant Drugs are constantly rising: agents should not cause corrosion of metals or damage other machined surfaces shall not cause toxic or allergic reactions, but for all that they have yet to be more effective. Manufacturability. Disinfectants should be contained in tech, convenient package for storage and use, for example, in the form of tablets, loose or liquid doses in packages or as highly concentrated funds. Packaging for such products must be reliable and convenient storage and use.

Disinfectants should be tested. All funds must be accompanied by a detailed indicating to the application, certified by the manufacturer, and must contain the required set of documents such as copies of certificates of registration and the Certificate of Conformity gost R Disinfectants, of course, must have the optimum ratio of price and quality parameters. The reliability of the manufacturer (or supplier). Supplier has some obligations to the partner: the implementation of complex services, establishing and maintaining feedback ‘firm-client’, keeping them informed on all issues, as well as providing all necessary materials and manuals.

Manitou Forklifts For Various Industries

Manitou Forklifts for various industries throughout his history of Manitou successfully acted on the global market of loading and construction equipment as an active producer, and not going to stop there, and only gaining momentum. MANITOU Group of companies strive to create new and enhanced engineering models for use in various fields, such as construction, Agriculture and forestry industry is constantly expanding and adding equipment model Manitou. Adapt the technique produced to meet the needs and characteristics of the market. MANITOU in the construction industry The idea of using forklift on uneven surfaces, such as construction sites or in agricultural production owned by Frenchman Marcel Brod (Marcel Braud). In 1957 he equips MsCormick tractor hydraulic control and located behind the mast. The result of such "experiments" – a vehicle that has received the name of Manitou (from the French manie tout – transports all"). In 1981, there Manitou all-terrain forklift c telescopic mast and forks to capture the pallet, called Maniscopic.

Later, the company began producing trucks and mounted. Today, Manitou is the largest global producer of all-terrain forklift c European market share 57% (share of the world market – 35%). Building and construction work in modern construction are paramount pace of construction of buildings. So far, in Russia a large group of works did not have sufficient technical support. It is such work as: Installation and mounting of columns, beams, trusses. Hanging the front frame structures: panels, windows, etc. Delivery inside the premises of technological equipment.

Modern Industrial Ventilation

Industrial ventilation should fulfill two main objectives: to ensure optimal ventilation in industrial premises, and, accordingly, to bring the climate given values. In addition, modern industrial ventilation provides training and technical process to ensure the air with the required characteristics that, for certain types of production, is very important. In addition, ventilation "Responsible" for prompt and effective removal of all air pollution and disposal of superheated air. That is why, depending on the type of production and process technology, the device manufacturing ventilation must be approached individually in each case. Supply and exhaust ventilation Supply and exhaust ventilation, because its main purpose – to ensure ventilation in rooms, perfect for use it for, it would seem, is not entirely typical of the role. Namely – to save energy needed for heating.

Similar installations were fairly widespread, because of their energy efficiency, and are balanced ventilation with heat recovery. The principle of the heat exchanger is very simple. The fact that the air being removed from the room is heated to at least room temperature. Supply and exhaust ventilation, provides both outflow and inflow of fresh air, which may not be very comfortable in their temperature characteristics, for the people. That is why the equipment supply and exhaust ventilation heat recovery, can expand the range of tasks: in addition to providing simultaneous heating air to supply air through the exhaust heat.

That very effectively, and allows no only significantly save on heating, but also more quickly recoup all the costs that are necessary for effective device ventilation. Forced ventilation at home and at work Forced ventilation can get into buildings and premises for various purposes, and be local or log in to the general exchange ventilation. Forced ventilation can perform a variety of tasks, providing how to create a favorable microclimate in the premises as a whole, and performing special tasks, providing a local ventilation. Forced ventilation, the type of device is divided into natural and artificial. Natural forced ventilation does not require mechanical stirring, air flow is due to the laws of physics, through natural openings or slits, or through specially arranged holes. Supply ventilation with a mechanical drive is equipped in buildings and premises in the event that provide optimum air circulation in a natural way possible. In addition, a number of requirements in the process production facilities, buildings or other purposes, requires the mandatory unit effective mechanical ventilation. And in this case, the only industrial-grade ventilation systems could create enabling environment for both people and production.

Utility Industry

Feature of electric motors for industrial use, along with increased efficiency, is more efficient cooling due to more surface area (20 – 30%). Consequently, they are significantly less sensitive to low voltage, phase unbalance and lack of cooling (caused by sediments on the motor caused by poor water quality). In addition, industrial electric motors more resistant to corrosion. It should be noted that the highest reliability of industrial electric motors have purpose, the protection of which is carried out mri device 75 or mp block 204. The asymmetry of the voltage and current is known, with minimal asymmetry current reaches the maximum efficiency of the motor and the longest period of his service. That is why the important uniform load on all phases. In theory, the same rated voltage must be applied to all three phases. As a rule, near the low-voltage transformers and occurs.

Note, however, that to prevent the raising or lowering the voltage on some phases of the network at full load all the single-phase units should be evenly distributed over three phases. This should be done, because such devices often operate in the mode of frequent on / off cycles and may cause the asymmetry (bias) phases. Phase imbalance can be caused by the asymmetry current in the lines elekroperedach, as well as worn or oxidized contactors. For a possible asymmetry in the chain need to enable the motor to the network to consult with representatives of the Utility Industry. Current asymmetry should not exceed 5%, while using the remote cu 3 – 10%.

Industrial Mechanical Stripping

Pickling Pickling is a process through which "clean" portions of an item prior to the application of a paint or coating including those generated by a galvanic process. This task can be performed manually or assisted with special teams, when performed manually, is verified with the help of abrasives such as sandpaper or wire brush, so this method is effective when it comes to very small layer contaminants, and when the dimension of the piece is small, by the time the application is industrial, hand-sanding is made automatic grinder with pleasant or wire brushes, hydro blasting machines, sandblasting, cleaning or cavitation. National Magazine Exchange pursues this goal as well. Also important are the processes of pickling acid dipping or chemical which "cleaned" the piece by removing traces of grease, or dust are also called chemical cleaning. When talking about electric toothbrushes, is its main representative who are rotating, and that due to their easy replacement and excellent results, has a wide application, particularly in relation to the withdrawn slag on the welds, since apart from doing this activity together and massage to release a certain proportion of the stresses associated with welding, also entering the corners, very hard to clean place, in many cases the use of these elements is limited to those regions are not uniform and difficult access. With respect to hydro blasting and sand blasting, these systems takes advantage of the forced motion of a fluid usually water or air, to project abrasive particles to the surface to be cleaned, in the case of hidroblanting, it is possible to dispense of these particles, but for the sand blasting are essential in both cases using a venturi that sucks them and the projected speeds in some cases approaching that of sound, they are usually metal or sand granules, as is evident in these two cases, it requires pumps and compressors that can deliver required flow and pressure and nozzles that are not damaged by abrasion is usually found in very hard materials such as tungsten carbide, the nozzles are interchangeable and are coded by degree of convergence that is required. Obviously not these processes can be performed without adequate protection, which should be full body, with clean air insufflation (sandblasting), as the silica and other minerals produce respiratory disease in the lungs, as well as , the particles rebound strongly attacks the skin and eyes (Sand Blasting), noise is another agent to be avoided, since the days of work involving the presence of a large extent, should be available also for protection appropriate. In the case of hydro blasting, the operator needs a place that can adequately evacuate the fluid and the respective sealing, fluid pressures may exceed 1000 psi, enough pressure to cut the tissues of the body, so adequate body protection is essential, as well as operating procedures, properly regulated and reviewed.