Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

The Territory

It is in the territory that the economic, social and institucional resources if complement in the formation of nets of cooperation between micron, small great companies. It is there that the collective learning if materialize, the diffusion of complete technology if, constructing strong relations reliable between entrepreneurs, local society and public institutions (Creation, 2002). Due to scarcity of resources, to the high competition and the process of economic globalization, amongst other factors, the business-oriented accumulation represents a strategy, mainly, for the micron and small companies, who can develop its activities in partnership. ' ' Agglomerated it is a grouping geographically concentrated of interrelated companies and institutions correlatas in one determined area, tied for common and complementary elements. The geographic target varies all of an only city or been for a same country or a net of neighboring countries. The accumulations assume diverse forms, depending on its depth and sophistication, but the majority includes companies of products or final, supplying services of specialized, component insumos, equipment and services, financial institutions and companies in sectors correlatos' ' (Porter, 1993). The agglomerated concept of can be used as a methodology of regional development, however opens here the conceptualization for a strategy not only of industrialization local, but enterprise as a whole, therefore it will be able to have a specialized local accumulation in one determined type of service. In one determined locality chances of investments and economic growth can be identified in diverse segments of the economy.

In this environment, the local companies will have the chance to develop its businesses reaching one better productivity and, consequently, becoming more competitive. The accumulations can be presented of the most diverse forms. They can also be vertical, when each company is in a point of the value chain, or horizontal lines, when the companies carry through the same economic activities. For example, if in one same region a leather company if associates with one of footwear, that in turn associates a retailer store to commercialize its production, characterizes a vertical accumulation.

The Management

The initial trend in this stage is to copy the pointers of other similar organizations. In another company one of the directors it perceived, through the exercises and lectures of qualification, of that we could define two types of pointers: the traditional ones and popularly known and the special ones, that they would make the difference of the organization in the segment where acts. In such a way we have obtained to not only expand the vision of the entrepreneur, identifying indicating in the economic and financial area, as well as in other areas as: creativity and innovation, development of the leadership abilities, communication with the customer, satisfaction of the internal customer, improvements of the processes, reduction of costs, value perceived for the customer, among others. One of the causes most common in the hour to execute a strategical planning is the relation of cause and effect badly established. We have observed in some organizations where they are implanting a model of management based on the BSC, to fall in this error. The BSC is not a system of managemental information solely, it goes, moreover. It is a process of thought, dialogue and strategical reflection, whose main objective is the development of the abilities necessary to arrive more close possible to the excellency. We know some companies who are implanting the BSC successfully, but why already they had had the experience of the strategical planning, of the management for the total quality or certification of the ISO. Now, we do not know none that has implanted a management model as the BSC, without before having tried this matureness in the management of the business. On the other hand, the stages commented here had been lived deeply in different organizations and not necessarily in a company alone, beyond what the number attributed to each phase varies of company for company, depending on the ability of its leaders and its age in the life cycle as organization.


Certainly one of the subjects most important of the world of the empreendedorismo is the offered determination of the price of sales of the products or services. This question is basic, therefore it is by means of the price that the entrepreneur gains the resources that allow the payment of the resources used in the production of the commercialized goods and to get its remuneration, also called profit. One politics of success prices is resulted of an exhausting analysis of the scene where the company is inserted, as much of relative the internal aspects the management of costs and of the productive efficiency, as of external factors, with special emphasis to the value perceived for the customers and the behavior of the competitors. In this aspect, she is necessary to observe that the politics of prices espelha the strategy adopted for the company, which can be segmented in enterprises that primam for the efficiency and management of costs, with sights to offer low prices to conquer and to remain themselves in the market, or by the quality and status of its products to make possible practical of raised prices more. Independently of the adopted positioning we understand that the politics of prices must take care of the three estimated basic ones that are: the definition of the minimum price, the analysis of the competition and the knowledge of the value perceived for the customers. 1 – The definition of the Minimum Price for remuneration of the costs: This stage consists of establishing, by means of the survey of the costs of production of how much it is expense to manufacture each unit of product or service. For this it is necessary to consider the cost with insumos, hand of workmanship, rents, electric energy, transpote and too much item. Beyond these costs, ovalor of the taxes must be added, as the ICMS, PIS, PASEP and possible financial expenditures.

Indirect Public Administration

E confused, not motivated employee and without understanding the situation, as will be? Thus the general objective of this work is to analyze strategies of motivation for the workers of the Direct and Indirect Public Administration, from the study of methodologies directed for this improvement in the relationship between the same ones, as well as the indication of courses of qualification including practical of operating motivation so that they recognize its importance as employee, thus considering a new reflection on the subject in question and showing the necessity of these modifications. We wait with this work, without pretension none to decide definitively the reinantes fidgets on the studied subject, but to only bring some consideraes that we understand opportune and that the same it serves as script for searching futures of the subject, for the students of Administration, of After-graduation, entrepreneurs, leaders of Companies, the proper employees or any another person that at the moment it is passing for a process of desmotivao in its workstation so that the same serves of orientation for its doubts. 2 2,1 ASPECTS METODOLGICOS TYPE OF STUDY How much its tipologia, is about bibliographical research, which supplied to the necessary theoretical support the consideraes and inquiries of the functioning and classification of the conventional markers for development of this research. According to Gil (2006, p.45), this type of research ' ' it is developed on the basis of material already elaborated, mainly constituted of books and articles cientficos' '. The bibliographical research has the advantage to enclose a bigger gamma of phenomena of what that one carried through directly next to the searched phenomena, as much for the nature of the time as of the limitations of the researcher. In reason of the chosen subject readings in books of Administration had been made, of Management of People, magazines, comments and all a investigativo study through the empirical research that had for purpose analysis of the characteristics of facts or phenomena, the evaluation of programs or the isolation of changeable principles.


Many companies had currently not been born multinationals, if they had made by means of the capacity of creation and innovation, by means of the ousadia and of serious studies. The empreendedorismo does not have formulates ready and nor resulted accurate, mathematically calculated, therefore it depends on factors others that the capital to be not only applied to undertake and the market to answer what it is had to offer. Everything goes of an idea that if reproduces in practises in concrete actions and with objective tracings. It is clearly that all enterprising it knows that to trace objectives and goals to be reached they are of capital importance for the success, does not advance to count on the hen of eggs of others without before finding the hen and taking care of so that the eggs are produced. Exactly making use of you do not formulate perfect and so little magical, we risk in them to define the bases to undertake. this already is one of the bases, the ousadia. Without ousadia it is not possible nothing because everything becomes falsely more dangerous of what really it is.

But we go the bases of the entrepreneur. Bases of the enterprising Creativity To be creative do not mean that the entrepreneur must create something that not yet was created for consumption or to alavancar profits, in case that it obtains congratulations. But, the fact is that everything what the entrepreneur to think as new certainly already is being thought or already was applied in some place of the world. What it does not mean that is not a useful idea, it only needs to be rethink on the basis of the conditions of the market where it will have to be presented. Prometheus imagines a small entrepreneur called who decides to leave for the production of personalized tooth brushes. He will be that somebody not yet had this idea? This does not matter, what in fact it interests is that the idea can be practised, what it needs is to analyze if he is possible and if is possible that is made.

Urban Fish Innovations

The advance of the Internet, mainly in the communication enters the millions of people who today use the social nets for the Internet, has been object of study of researchers and technician of the main sites of relationship, entertainment and mainly of the companies of ecommerce in the direction to extend and to keep one better relationship with its customers. to remain the front many sites has looked for to invest in the promotion of initiatives created for young entrepreneurs with vision and improvement of the existing technologies similar to optimize and to facilitate the life of internautas in the search of products, or information that influence in the decision taking that they define the choice in the hour of the purchase of a product or service. In this direction, some companies have left the front to have innovative solutions through awardings and investments directed to the young entrepreneurs who create new tools in the calls startups of technology. Recently we saw the case of the Submarine site that announced a program of incentive for developed innovative solutions stops the social nets. The site opened registrations during the last Campus Party Brazil for the competition in the call Open Innovation. The five better projects will go to gain ticket, lodging and ingression to participate of the American edition of the Party Campus, that happens in the Valley of Silicon in U.S.A.

and that it happens in August of each year. Another similar initiative was of the site of collective purchases Urban Fish that sponsored the 5 projects of startups with prizes of until R$ 5 a thousand for the development of interfaces and APIs come back the processes and the platform of the site. It is very important that the companies have the ousadia to invest in the good ideas that many times finish dying for not finding chance to show its creations. Who knows if new Twitters, Groupons or Facebooks would not be being born of these initiatives. That these examples can motivate other companies to tread way the same.


" Correctly. Simply put the gray cylinder on the car, and bring the gas supply valve on the dial to the little cabin. You do not kiss on the back of the seat as in the movie 'Fast and Furious' run such a system. 'So what does all this deception, and nitrous oxide is a myth? "- Asks the novice racer. Nitrous oxide is not a myth, and dragreysing without it there would be grade. Especially if the car without turbo, you can substantially increase its acceleration using nitrous oxide. Simply a system must be correct.

What are the system right and what is not? Try to understand. Cylinders. Is comparable to early American pioneers of cylinders nitrosa racing (nitrous oxide – nitrous oxide in English) and cylinders of domestic production. Yeah, the visual difference is obvious. American and of course beautiful easier (from ), but expensive. Our ugly (paint can not change it), but Drage important result, not appearance. But the most important difference is that the U.S.

container is a tube from the bottom of the container to the crane. Right! She need for what would serve liquefied nitrous oxide into the system. In our tank does not, because the medical need for gas, but the desired effect can be achieved by turning the cylinder valve down. Liquid nitrous oxide. So why do Americans are using liquid nitrous oxide for cars and for anesthesia rights. Because ecli man put to sleep, liquefied, it will most likely not wake up.

Mobile Mounting Repair

In a way may have a variety of circumstances. So what's the problem no one to wait, in this case, you rasschityvat themselves. Often the event of a puncture, cuts rubber. This is complicated by the fact that there are no spare tire or both punctured. Find out just need to call url = mobile tire service / url, which will have a really quick help. It is equipped with all the necessary equipments car for tire repair and tire. To order the service must call for assistance officer will leave for a short time and perform as needed. Also, make url = repair tire / url, even if it is a longitudinal cut and tires without a camera.

The services offered can save budget and still get many other benefits. Also offer url = storage auto tires / url in designated areas. This is to protect them, but was free in the apartment, because even if the stack horizontally – not because should it take place in the 1 m2. Call the mobile tire service can, if punctured wheel again, you need to change tires or make a balance, if there are cuts. Anyone with two hands for comfort and to be successful. If you do not want problems to be solved for a long time on the road and very soon get rid of them, it is necessary to address book service and tire repair. In just a short time and get rid of the problems coming, too, by dialing outbound tire.

Climatic Equipment

Cause of insomnia and broken state in summer is high temperature. This will help avoid installation of HVAC equipment, which carries out air conditioning. This complex processes carried out in order to process and get air certain parameters, mainly a certain temperature and humidity. For residential and office space used only the so-called comfort air conditioning, whose task is to create optimal conditions for work and leisure. Mode of operation of HVAC equipment is determined by weather conditions. In the summer of air being processed cooling and drying, and in winter – heat and moisture. With year-round conditioning, these circuits are connected. In each mode, in addition, the air is cleaned of dust and harmful gases, and ventilation in buildings.

These units can be operated entirely by outside air or a mixture of outside air with recirculated. Household window air-conditioners is a type of so-called autonomous installed in window openings small rooms up to 25 m2. They have outer and inner compartments separated by a partition. The first of these, being outside, includes a hermetically sealed rotary compressor, a condenser air cooling extender and an electric motor with an axial fan for blowing the capacitor. In the inner bay, posted in the room, installed a tubular air cooler (evaporator), a filter for air cleaning from dust centrifugal fan, through which the air circulation in the room and thermostat to automatically turn on and off the refrigeration unit, depending on air temperature. They operate as the summer air-conditioning, ie, the air they cool and partially dried. The premises through the filter it is sucked by the centrifugal fan, is fed to the air cooler, in contact with which it is cooled and partially dried, and then pumped through the articulated lattice in the building.

Cooling of the condenser is carried out by atmospheric air, which through the side slit outer compartment axial fan is sucked from the street and sent to the surface of the capacitor. In the septum separating the compartments, there is a gate through which establishes a necessary relation between the outer and recirculating structure. Today, went on sale a completely new types of HVAC equipment – mobile air conditioners. They are of two types: single units and split systems. This powerful machines that are compact size and attractive appearance. They are used in the home, as well as in the workplace, both in summer and in winter. Monoblocks did not require installation. These mobile air conditioners are installed near from windows or doors. This is necessary in order to help with. Flexible corrugated hose display outside the heated air. Usually it is necessary in the summer time. The design of split-systems is different in that it consists of two units, which are connected with a flexible hose, where all the electrical and communications more freon tubes.

Mens Day Gift

Probably everyone remembers the words of a children's song: "Of what, what does, what does our boy done?". And the answer is you remember? "Because of the spines, shells and green frogs, so this made the boys!". And as a good as mussels and frogs they already complete, as a gift to the World Men's Day (1st Saturday of November, November 1 to 2008), all this "wealth" does not consider, and try to find that they will appreciate more green frogs. Remembered children's song without difficulty, but everyone knows aphorism German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche: "This man child is hidden that wants to play." Echoes and the American politician and writer, Claire Luce, "House of man – his strength, but only outside. Inside it's mostly a children's room.

" You've probably already starting to guess what gifts you can please your "big kid"? For example, lead to the delight of his large-scale models of cars can be, collectible model airplanes and helicopters, military equipment, prefabricated buildings and figures, the railways of room size, all kinds of parts and accessories needed to create them. If you are not superstitious, then will be a wonderful gift souvenir weapon. As a rule, you can find an appropriate legend to such a gift. Here is a legend to the "Sword of the Warrior." "With the help of the god Hermes, Achilles crafts forged a new helmet, armor and sword. On the hilt of the sword he caused his image and his friend. Brandishing a sharp sword, he rushed to the attack on the enemy, and the Trojans at the sight of him fled, hoping to find salvation outside the walls of his fortress.