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Chilean Way

The Chilean Way In the decade of 1970, when Brazil dived for deepest in its military dictatorship, the news appeared of that Salvador Allende, after three times not succeeded, obtains to arrive at the presidency of the Chilean Republic with a proposal socialist. Went up to the left power a coalition one, the Popular Unit, formed for socialist Communists and. Elect with only 34% of the votes, it lacked only confirmation to it of the Congress, a time that had not more than gotten the half of the percentage. The fear spread for the international press and of the forces was felt local conservatives, as it points Sader Emir: ' ' Socialism in Latin America? In full year of 1970? When the Brazilian military dictatorship if consolidated and emerged as model politician and of economic growth for its neighbors? ' ' Beyond Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia also met in military governments and Cuba was isolated. At last, the socialist notice of an elect one did not sound very well at that moment, over all, for the White House. In this direction, the process revolutionary affected powerful foreign and national interests, where the court of appeals of a Chilean socialist government came to modify the regional balance, being a possibility of ' ' I infect ideolgico' ' in the South Cone.

The government of the Popular Unit directly attacked these interests in a set of revolutionary measures. In little time, it nationalized the basic wealth, mainly the represented ones for copper, expropriated monoplicas companies and the latifundium oligarchy, incorporated masses to the work and the consumption, redistributing wealth and extending the domestic market. Moreover, it extended the democratic and libertarian rights placing Chile in the picture of the nations ' ' not alinhadas' ' , defending the fight against the foreign dependence. The economic policy of Allende considered to substitute the area of social property of capitalist predominance for socialist relations of production, with the intention to destroy the bases of sustentation of the imperialism and the national bourgeoisie.

The Same

to light of History. Generally it is not an isolated study, therefore aevoluo, historical method – evolutivo, and the comparison, historical method – compared, if make gifts to assist and to give sustentation to the investigatrio process. 2.O archive: the origin and its evolution to longodo time the archive appeared of the necessity that ohomem had to register and to spread out information related to its time, future ageraes, organizing – in accordance with the ouexistentes possible techniques at its time. In the prehistoric period, the man primitivodescobriu and dominated the fire, the metals as: the copper I tin, it, that tardefundidos they had given origin to bronze. If the human being had not discovered edifundido these innovations, will be that we would obtain to survive without the fire? Or we talvezestivssemos joined metals? Elements that today are of extremaimportncia for humanity, remembering that the same ones had passed for diversasevolues to be useful for the men contemporaries. In prehistoric period, the homemprimitivo registered its daily through paintings and done drawings emparedes of grottos and caves.

As it had not written at the time, this resquciosso considered evidential that the man already existed at the time, also to podemoschamar these registers of rupestre art. According to Seriacopi (2005, p.16) ' ' the arterupestre is one of the most beautiful important vestiges left for the groups daily pay – historical. Found in the grotto walls and caves, in general apresentavapessoas, animals and scenes of huntings and danas' '. Analyzing this concept of arterupestre and what already we understand on the thematic one, we can affirm that homempr – historical already it was worried in registering its daily one and spreading informaessobre the culture of its time for the future generations? Estasrelacionadas information to its people, the animals, the hunting and the dance, remembering that algunsdestes customs already had been extinct the thousand of years or had fallen in disuse.

National Guarda

To effect umamudana in the structure of the state of subtle and direct form being given to autonomy the eliteslocais and to legalize this power Guarda was believed in the regency National beyond to dediminuir the force and importance I exercise of it at the time. I exercise therefore it in the Brasilimperial was had as faithful the Dom Joo and not to Brazil. Umadas first measured in this direction had been the creation in 1830 of National Guarda, was in result of the diffidences and antipatias in relation to the exercitonutridas ones for liberal that they opposed the Dom Peter, which saw essainstituio as an absolutism of the emperor. 2 importanteressaltar is that to contain the movements against independence Emperor D.Pedro I had that to convoke the military services and to contract efranceses English mercenaries to contain the Portuguese who if had rebelled against the dePortugal separation. Being that Brazil did not have organized army, this point is quenos calls attention, the lack of an army in Brazil at the beginning of the Empire. Dessaforma the expenses with these mercenaries had been very great, being one verdadeiroarrojo to the elites who had had that to pay more taxes to pay essesmercenrios that had fought to keep independence.

Of this form it is to possvelperceber the great influence of the Brazilian elites in the routes of just formadopas. As much in the decisions, was avessos to French radical liberalism, considering comopropenso the anarchy, and had opted to lockina liberalism and daily pay-democratic English datradio that dominated the courses legal of Coimbra. ‘ ‘ As article percebemosnesse, the Brazilian elite of the imperial time had its intentions bemdefinidas with regard to the maintenance of its privileges in the administraoimperial, being that the creation of institutions that gave support to them was defundamental importance, in this intention is that in the Regencial period, time demaior turbulence in empire, which had D.

Tarot Friend

When we make a distance of the tarot, as as much consulting or in ours first passages like tarotistas, he is indispensable to know some reasons to orient the moment of the revelation of the decks, and this form to have majors probabilities of having a correct interpretation. In the first place the interpretation must be spontaneous and forced, that is to say, it does not have to be related to first that arises to the tarotista when watching letters to him. This is very difficult to obtain, since often desire is so great that these they say to us what we want to listen, that we impose what we want envelope which in fact says the arcane ones to us. In order to realise the interpretation, the language will have to be simple and concrete. Most important it is than the person who realises the consultation goes of the distance with good a clear message on defined concepts. The grandiloquent phrases, the contrasentidos ones, the hollow words are due to avoid. It is precise to develop a very special sensitivity to interpret the message of the arcane ones. It is for that reason that the tarotistas that guess right more and that they have obtained a good one reputation is looked for and required.

This sensitivity cannot be transmitted, and is for that reason that says that the good tarotistas are born, and they do not become. To feel comfortable is one of the factors that will contribute to obtain a suitable interpretation. If the person to whom is realised the distance to him wakes up negative feelings to us like fear, rejection, or hostility, will be better to sincerar themselves and to communicate to him that it will not be possible to realise the interpretation. The same happens when we are consulting and we do not have a good perception of the tarotista that is with us. The empathy between both is fundamental. For that reason if it does not exist, better to stop.

It is necessary that who makes the distance she observes the consulting one carefully, because this one will be an excellent opportunity to enter deepest of its psychology. Now we will pause in the question that the consulting one does. The question is, really, of extreme importance, since it says to us what is the important thing for that makes the question, the excellent thing, that on which is put all their attention. Also, it can occur the opposite case and that it is an irrelevant question, since the person does not dare abiertamente to express with words the reason for its sleeplessness. It is here where the singular sensitivity of the tarotista plays a fundamental role. The distance of the tarot can be helpful and mark a flexion in the life of many people. Meaning arcane majors Tarot the car? Runas: divinatory interpretation of Cen/Kenaz STARS and TAROT.es? The letters of the tarot and the intuition Gypsy tarot?

Seek Time

It is the parameter fundamental to measure the life utility of the device. POH (Power on hours – Hours ignited). She is one estimation of the number of hours that the disc could be ignition annually. Although also it appears in hours per days of the week. For example. Discs exist 24 (hours) xs 7 (days of the week) that is to say, that can be continuously encedidos. Temperature (Room temperature of operation). According to the type of disc usually it is in ranto between 0 and 60 degrees.

Outside those ranks normally the disc is not operative. The ideal temperature of work could be between 20-25 reason why all representative variation, mainly to the rise, will influence of negative form in the MTBF. It could be interesting to add some type of refrigeration to the disc if it were considered necessary. You power failure that brings about interruptions in the feeding of the discs, to use them during more hours of those than for which they were made (POH), or to maintain them working to high temperatures will influence negatively in its MTBF and therefore in their life utility. In order to verify the state of our discs we could habitually monitor them by means of what is called technology SMART acronym of " Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology" and that comes implemented in the majority of present discs due to its great utility. It consists of the capacity of the disc to self-detect internal failures, allowing to the user the power to take the opportune measures before a non-recoverable loss of data takes place. The BIOS the motherboard also must allow its activation. Between the most important parameters that they are possible to be monitored in the disc they are: Temperature of the disc (Temperature), Frequency of read errors (Raw Read Rate Error), Time necessary to begin to turn (spin-up Time), Accountant of sectors reasignados by defects (Reallocated sector count), Time search and positioning (Seek Time performance), Frequency of errors search (Seek Rate Error), Frequency of write errors (Write Rate Error), Efficiency of the disc (Throughput performance), Number of hours passed in operation (Power-on hours), etc.

The disc stores so much the present values of the parameters like the optimal thresholds of operation below which, following the importance of the parameter, it is important to take some measurement from precaution like for example backup, or to even consider the urgent cloning of the disc for its substitution. In order to verify parameters SMART of discs some of the following gratuitous programs can be used: Speedfan (almico). This software for Windows besides providing information on the temperature of the component interns of the computer also provides information on parameters SMART of discs. Very recommended! Smartmontools (sourceforge). Software to monitor discs in surroundings linux. Really, elije well the hard disk, according to your needs, in which you will store the information and monitors its state regularly to prevent losses. Original author and source of the article.


The expropriation of suasterras followed it the conquest and marked the first characteristic docolonialismo. In 1850, the domain of the colonists was of 11 500 hectares, passandopara 1 600 000 in 1900 and for 2 703 000 in 1950. 8 Moreover, the racial preconception, the violence,> the war of Algeria entreos years of 1956 and 1962.

9 ‘ ‘ The resource to the ideologiada Islamic nation in the independence movements was marcante. The combat docolonialismo if made on behalf of the defense of the national identity. Unclasping Algerian dapersonalidade was effected through the reverse speed-appropriation of its prpriacultura. The fusing between islamismo, arabicism and Populism if became source of this powerful feeling. However, the traditional system of values already had been sprayed for the domination French occidental person and acoerncia of its national identity was breached. The possibilities to proceed comsucesso in the reorganization from the national personality around a cultural novopatrimnio, that is, of a hierarchy order> steady and rational, they were corrupted and rejected, because of feelings desubordinao loaded. Therefore, the combat emancipation politician if saw folloied deum combat of values, dividing the population in its effort to define umaidentidade.’ ‘ 10 This problem was defundamental importance during the first years of independence.

Jose Angel Valente

But of limited form, like the train that travels by the route. It has a real progress, nobody it can deny that nonadvance, nevertheless always follows the same route, the same route. Any modification of the passage beyond the route makes derail. It is designed to advance previously following a line drawn up, without improvisation option some. In the meditation there is no noticeable passage. It is not a route, is not a theory. The meditation is the entrance towards the freedom.

And like so, it does not have maps, organization, structure Is pure infinitud of space and time. We cannot know the time, but the time knows us very well. The time knows where we are although we do not know where it is the time. You see if it already it has gone. If it give account you of which you see it that it is the unique conscious way to see already has escaped to us. For that reason we cannot stop the time, because the nature of the time is its continuous movement, its impermanencia. Flowing del that Heraclitus spoke to us.

And del that also Buddha spoke to us. Jose Angel Valente are verses of the Spanish poet who says to us much in this respect: " When no longer it is left us nothing,/the emptiness of not being/could be to the useless end and perfecto". To meditate is to undress of the ballast of I. To make us lighter, simpler, more fundamental. Of progressive form we are untied the knot that throughout our life has been acquiring an intrincate complexity. In verses of Valente we see that after nothing appears the emptiness . " When no longer we have left nothing, the emptiness of not being " Making an interpretation Buddhist we would say that I am to to which it does not have left nothing, I released of the ballast of the ego or identification with the form and image of himself-same.


To work in House is synonymous of: comfort, flexibility, freedom, accessibility etc. This Dreams rather well, you do not create? Then something very important is not to mix the daily activities of the House with Working in House. For it you dare a few simple but effective ideas to put in practice and more productive being to Trabajar in House: 1. – To define your work area: it looks for an independent area in your home. Would be to you a little complicated if you live in a small apartment; if this which is your case you must make looking for a fixed area where carry out your work eliminating the possible distractions. 2. – Organization of your time: This item is very important since commonly usually they mix the personal times with the professional times, therefore is fundamental to organize our day to day. As example I can say to you that if you have a routine to leave to walk every day, the best thing than you can make always realise this activity to the same hour.

These must be fixed goals that you trazes, although even find a by far job you. This you it will help to maintain a routine of work under control of schedules or before or after realising your daily activities. 3. – To automate your work more than you can: You always must consider that in Internet you can find a infinity of resources as much to organize as to manage your Work in House. For example: If these designing Pages Web, already look for groups prepared to only include your information. 4. – The USA technology for your Well-being: It collects all the equipment that you consider necessary to be able To work in House. Aside from your Computer, it must exist a Printer, Fax, Scanner, connection to broadband Internet etc.

The Tula Region

Pleasant tendentsiya improve servisa SERVICING our gostinitsah observed not only in the hotels of our capital cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, and of course, Sochi (this city is now referred to as the capital of the South), but also in other cities our vast country. It is no longer running cockroaches, arranging their own running races with obstacles in the form of sneakers, newspapers or anything else that comes to hand. Staff was courteous and polite, conforming to European standards. Yes, and quality repair, done with a maximum one year ago, but not in the first century BC.

Everything is changing, and what is the most joyful, the better. All the fashionable trends have come and the city arms, samovars and gingerbread. Speech is, of course, the hero-city of Tula. The city that gave birth to our country, Tolstoy, Zhukovsky, innocence, and many others. Beautiful nature, historical monuments and world renowned Clear Glade. Tula hotels offer excellent quality service and pleased with their conditions, even the most sophisticated traveler. Development of the city and its proximity to Moscow provide hospitality many customers.

In this regard, any hotel tries "Be armed with" all business meetings. Clients are given the opportunity to organize and conduct business in a conference room equipped with necessary equipment: video projector, screen, multimedia, Wi Fi. Well and, of course, do not forget about the rest. And in this area of our hotels have made a big step forward. Every large hotel in the Thule can offer its customers to visit your restaurant with unique cuisine, but at this improving the service does not stop. Too many companies develop into hotel complexes, in which a list of services is huge. In addition to hotel services, restaurant, leisure available opportunity to visit the SPA-salons and beauty parlors, saunas and a large swimming pool, solarium, herbal and sports bar. Opportunity to order a sightseeing tour, providing a guide, parking longer seem so routine services that sharpen attention to them there's no need. The most popular suburban hotel in Tula, distinctive feature is the clean air, beautiful nature and silence. Evening retreat away from the hustle of the city is always at a premium. But this does not mean that from suburban hotels need long to get to the venue or explore the city. The practice shows that the suburbs soon Getting to the desired part of Tula, than from the center, bypassing all the traffic jams.

Dog Training

The arrival of a new puppy is a little while exciting for any home. That ball of small down and peluche would immediately send the center of attention of all the family. In just a short time, nevertheless, it is made very clearly that the arrival of the new puppy can cause to him much that to do, and still more for him/she because must much learn.The training of perritodebe to be above of the list of priorities. Its puppy this totally following you to help it to become accustomed themselves and to adapt in our human world, domesticated. Its direction and leadership the life will determine the way that takes and in what type of dog will become. During puppy the main paper plays and are responsible to give form to the character habits, temperament and behavior that their dog take all their life. Its future puppy is in its hands LIKE TRAINING a SMALL DOG It is not all diversion and games as some proprietors create. The small creature is a poop machine that bites, barks, she digs, and much more! But it loves still them anyway – only we must give them to a certain direction and limits to follow.

If you are like I it is probable that they want that its puppy has the best possible beginning in the life, and also to prosper like adult dogs. The early socialization and the training of the small dog puppy are the keys of their success like an owner of dog. To bring a puppy in its lives is a great responsibility and commitment that they must fulfill. Our puppies have one long list of requirements and terms that must be fulfilled for their well-being and the longevity. Tasks like training of the house of the small dog, training of the drawer, the socialization of the small dog, strap of training and basic obedience is necessary to approach from the beginning.