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Novaprop.com is a new site in which, all persons who are interested in selling, buying or renting any property, have the ability to upload videos where shown all and each one of the environments of such property with their respective characteristics, which we can go describing as we film environments in addition to specifying in writing some who happen to be the most important such as the dimensions of the property and the amount of environments that it possesses. This new site provides us the work of having to show stakeholders what the property in question, without having to build multimedia presentations that many sites often require their users, however, even though the option to publish the videos is much more practical, we also have the possibility to upload photos in the event that we can’t or we do not have any equipment to record videos. One of the main advantages is that this service is absolutely free, and the unique conditions that must be met is to create an account as user accepts a contract which sets out all the guidelines of behaviour, rules and conditions of use which we must always read. Despite being a relatively new site, Novaprop.com is slowly climbing positions and is becoming one of the most commonly used in Internet real estate tools, but surely the first time that we elect to handle it can be that we do not understand all of what form used all corresponding to the site tools. The truth is that this is something very easy and also should be noted that we have a FAQ section which in addition to clear all common questions that we have as new site users, we have a guide that helps us to know step by step what to do and what conditions you have to meet videos and photographic presentations they publish. .

Economic Plight

We all are aware of the current economic plight of our country, is certain that it has habit times worse, since then than Yes, but we were accustomed to a standard of living and a series of certain benefits which are being suppressed because of the readjustment needs economic and the measures taken by the Government. There are many cities that have built new flats, or semi-construidos and they can not give out, nobody buys them, banks do not offer credits and pay all the money at once is something that very little lucky can do, therefore we see lots of posters that quote: for sale flats Valencia, for example, or sell apartment Madrid in recent years, the prices of rents have soared making that most interested acquire own housing rent it, since the money was not a problem, banks lent it easily to all kinds of people that met a few ridiculous requirements next to the current. When the economic situation is so complicated like the present, it is always easier be rented that mortgaged owner. For example, if work is lost, would comply with the payment of the mortgage payment probably be difficult or impossible in the majority of cases, and if the subsidy runs out, could be the point of having to sell the home at a price that, in the best cases, cover the outstanding amount of the mortgage. The advantages of living in rent in a similar situation are several, no obligation, rather than bail in most of the contracts, which could leave the floor and save part of the rent moving to one more economic to either save the entire occupying the House of a family member. Therefore, when we see these ads above flats Valencia so attractive, we need for a minute and think a number of things like for example, if we really have the capacity to deal with the payment of the mortgage on the floor, or rather, we must fix our gaze on other posters of the type of rental flats Valencia and opt to rent a house in place negotiate a mortgage with the Bank. Logically, opting for one or another election will depend on stability, savings and situation of each person or couple or family employment.

Northeast Professors

It is important to observe that, usually, the number of institutions of the units of the federacy tends to wait direct relation with the population. Thus, for example, So Paulo, MinasGerais and Rio De Janeiro, the states most populous of Brazil, also they are osestados with the biggest number of institutions of superior education. Already estadosdo Acre, Amap and Roraima, of lesser population, is also the ones that have menornmero of institutions. The state of the Paran, however, is exception: inferior compopulao to the one of the Rio Grande Do Sul and with approximately 5 dehabitantes million to less of what Rio De Janeiro, the Paran has the nmeroexpressivamente biggest one of IES' '. (INEP, 2005). National Cadastro of Professors of 2005/1 registers one totalde 230,784 operating professors in the Brazilian superior education.

Of these 48.0% atuamna Southeastern region, 21.1% in the South region, 16.8% in the Northeast region, 8.8% naregio Center-West and only 5.2% in the region North. We can observe that opercentual cumulative between the regions South and Southeastern of 69,1% of the docentesatuantes in the superior level. Except for the historical proportionalities and we econmicaspodemos to evidence the enormous abysses and or challenges of the qualification technique dosprofissionais that works and lives in the region. According to INEP (2005), of the 230,784 active professors superior daeducao in 2005/1, 52,376 are doctors, after-doctors oulivre-professors, representing 22.7% of the total. The masters constitute maiorgrupo: 80,787 professors, a 35,0% index. The number of specialists is de67.822, representing 29.4%. But graduated acting as professors the educaosuperior they are 27,334, an index of 11,8% in relation to the total. Pequenogrupo of professors without graduation has one (that we could call professors for well-known notriaespecializao or to know) and that they are 2,465, representing 1.1%. Somadosos masters and doctors (including after-doctors and free-professors), therefore, representam57.7% of the total of professors. More important still to observe is the distribution dastitulaes for region, as we verify in the representation of the doctors, in regiesNorte and Center-West is the ones that more were distanciam of the average national, comapenas 12.7% and 16.2% of doctors, respectively, for a national average de22.7%.

Ambient Justice

In face of the current partner-economic crisis of nossoPlaneta, becomes each more urgent time the mobilization on the part of all oscidados in the brainstorming that skirtes these problems, this is the ambient nossodesafio. Front to this, the Ambient Justice of our Country, through dRede Brazilian Ambient Justice, promotes the fight to finish with different adistribuio them ambient risks, that come affecting the quality due not only ambient as socially. Osmovimentos Ambient Justice had as landmark against racism in the United States. There, the fight is against adesigualdade of the quality of life in relation to ‘ ‘ raas’ ‘ , or better dizendoetnias. As it is seen, here in Brazil, the fight is ampler. It accumulates of stocks principles, it searchs equality of quality of life and believes that the fight alone will be able servencida when the conscience will be had of that she is necessary to protect fracose more that we must give one is enough in the ambient destructions, for benefit of umaminoria, in detriment of the smashing majority of population of the world. Word-Key: Ambient justice, Brazilian Net of Ambient Justice, Ambient Injustice, Practical Principles and of Ambient Justice.

Crisis ABSTRACT Given the currentsocio-economic of our planet, it becomes increasingly urgent you call forall citizens in search of solutions you circumvent these problems, this is ourenvironmental challenge. This Facing, the Environmental Justice of our country, through the Brazilian Network of Environmental Justice, promotes the fight toend the unequal distribution of environmental risks, which has affected thequality of life not only environmentally and socially. The EnvironmentalJustice in March was you the movements against racism in the United States. Thereis the fight against inequality in quality of life in relation you ‘ ‘ races’ ‘ , or to rather races. Them see you can here in Brazil, the fight to isbroader. It covers principles, pursuit of equal quality of life and believesthat the fight can only be overcome when you ploughs aware that we must protect theweak and we should just give in environmental destruction, will be the benefit of aminority at the expense of overwhelming majority of the world population.


I think then in the spring and the many floradas ones that they are for coming, I acquire forces and I follow in front. The dew drops that slide throughout its trunk, flamboi, are as the tears that insistently roll for my face when relembro the lived sad moments already. The shade with that you to all presenteia, indistinctly, represent the words of comfort, alento and optimism with that I must presentear my next one; you show to me that I do not have to be egoistic, but you must distribute with my fellow creatures a little of what I am and what I have. As well as he sees, flamboi, he obtains to remove of the ground the seiva that it of the sustenance, also I need to remove of the life all the good examples; as you were one day planted and cultivated, I must plant good seeds and also cultivate inside of me noble feelings as the love, the friendship, the fraternity, justice and the gratitude; as well as you it needs land, rain and sun the sufficient to also remain itself so vioso, thus necessary of my next one, therefore I am a gregrio being e, consequently, incapable to live isolated. Its falling leaves that are taken to lu for the wind and not more return, are as the treasons, offences, maledicncias and injuries for me received, which I must allow that they fly for distant good, until total they are wasted in the infinite Flamboi, I observe the firmness of its roots and think then that equally firm it must be my faith, therefore it is the compassing guides that me, making with that I continue my I walk without thinking about giving up, although the innumerable obstacles that appear unexpectedly. As well as you it receives and it absorbs all the energy of the solar light keeps that it healthful, I must also be receptive to the chances that the life offers to me to make the good and to extend the hand to that they need my aid. As well as its twigs they bailam slowly to the rhythm of the soft breeze, I want to leave myself to pack for the reconfortantes dreams purest and. As well as you me listening, quiet and patient, I must hear a little more the people who of me if approach; to the times, due to time or even though for disinterest, I am incapable to give to these people a little of the attention that they need.

Ahead of everything this, flamboi, I arrive at the conclusion of that you are for me a beautiful example of life. You already supported innumerable difficulties throughout all its existence, but he continues vigorous sheltering, me in its shade inspiring, me and packing my dreams. No matter how hard the time pass, you is not degnerated; its satiated twigs are strong and safe, ready arms to protect me and to shelter me when I to need a little of consolation and shelter. Suddenly, a strident racket interrupts my thoughts suddenly; eye around and I see revoada of birds if approaching to flamboi. Certainly they come to the search of a safe shelter for the night that if it approaches

USA Life

Reason because those that chance has to dialogue with somebody in doubt, will have to make it, so that in this dialogue the light can appear of the agreement. Master, You make that I look more? To console, that to be consoled; The figure of God if makes gift, in requests of that in my life? it has a behavior to think more about the next one to what to exactly think more than self-centered way about me. Because I will only be able to console when in reality it will be able to understand to the necessity and the pain of my brother. It attempts against for the idea contained in ‘ ‘ to console that to be consolado’ ‘ – to become consolation object, to feel ‘ ‘ coitado’ ‘ – white of consolation and aid of third. This cannot be good, the measure of that we pass leaving to invade in them therefore, we become dependents and we pass in them to become pariah of the society and frankly he was not for that we gain dom of the life. to understand, that to be understood; to love, that to be loved. In the same line? to get rid itself of this unhealthy form of if seeing as a center of everything and all when we will only be able to receive what we are apt to distribute? it believes this law, is not one figurinha unnecessary? A man becomes, using to the universal laws its favor. Loving and the construction of the loved object, with certainty, will give many shares to it.

Therefore, it is giving that it is received? This is the law. It does not contest the USA in its inteireza and maguinificincia. it is pardoning that it has been pardoned? a universal law that also functions in the body spiritual and the feelings. is dying that it is lived for the perpetual life. thus, San Francisco de Assim assured its immortality, and it recommends to it to reach its through this way. A way of simple, cheap and highly efficient life. A final word. Nobody, nor I not even Francisco de Assis, will be able to change its life, for more messages and words that if can say, this constitutes a truth.

But if it can add new ideas? in the hope that you can assume as one behavior its and decide then to apply in its life. Gives attention to a thing, the fact of a message to say something to it deep? it does not assure, by itself, the change of its future behavior, is necessary and basic that you decide to follow the way, with its proper legs? to follow the way of the deepening with search of if auto to construct now following other teachings that you yourselves it discovers. This search of new routes and new knowledge is what it truily constitutes the reached objective if? this objective is personal never? it could be fixed by third? plus this it is that the gostoso, because thus, will create new emotions and new perspectives of one another life, in one another way of living, its life. Apolinario de Araujo Albuquerque River, 01 May 2010.

Comparison Values

The value gotten for the medium one was of 104,7 dB (), indicating that 50% of the values of the levels of measured noises are above of this value, about 35,0 dB () more than the level criterion established in 40,0 NBR 10151 and about dB () more than the level of criterion established in NBR 10152. In relation to the values of the quartiles, it was observed that 50% of the emitted values of noise in the activities, that is half of the measured values, is around 95,0 105,0 dB () e, in relation to the percentiles, was verified that, for 70,0 dB (), the percentile biggest is P11, indicating that 89% of the noise levels are above of the level criterion of NBR 10151. Now, comparing the value of 65,0 dB () the biggest percentile is the P1, indicating that 100% of the values they are above of the value established for the NBR 10152/NR 17. Being overcome the data of all the measurements and becoming fullfilled a frequency distribution, were verified that this is come close to a normal distribution, as if can see in Figure 02. Figure 02 Histograma of the distribution of all the data of the measurements Knows that not yet a norm exists that establishes values for acoustic comfort in the work environments that they do not demand intellectual request. What it exists is the NR-15 that establishes values for sound pressure levels that they can cause PAIR in labor environments in function of the exposition time. Table 04 presents the values of Leq () gotten in five (5) measurements of noise for PAIR, beyond the time of each measurement, the criterion of the NR-015 and the Dose equivalent for eight (8) working hours. Table 04 Comparison enters the values of Leq () measured and prescribed by the NR-15 Activity Time of Measurement (hours) Leq () NR-15 dB () Dose for 8 hours % Welding 11:22 91,2 85,0 238,2 Welding 11:30 95,5 85,0 433,0 Jateamento 08:07 87,3 85,0 140,0 Welding 08:05 86,5 85,0 135,0 Jateamento 08:33 87,7 85,0 145,7 Analyzing Figure 03, that it is the graphical representation of Table 04, for a comparison with the values of the NR-15, can be verified that, for all the measurements, the value of Leq (), is always above of the level criterion established for the NR-15, especially for measurement 2 (activity of welding) where the value is about 10,0 dB () above of the boundary-value of the NR-15, form that if it will not have use of auditory protector on the part of the employees that these activities act in all, certainly will occur auditory loss in the same ones in elapsing of the time.


More I did not perceive that who loves does not forget so easy and that not dumb of idea never and that it says of the mouth pra it are that does not want more to it and finished alembrando that this day God was starting to act. It was on this day that I gave to the ingression it and I said pra that it not to perceive that I love it ' ' to buy I do not want you is simply an ingression for ours amizade' ' it accepted in good ufa! of this I escaped rs. Certain time in one day of cult, as I pudi to be so fool to doubt the blessings of God who before leaving house I thought: ' ' Gentleman if it will be mine gives a light to me shows to me with that it says to some coisa&#039 to me; '. On this day he was in the so great desperation feeling devoid. It started the cult stopped in my front and he made me affection that pra it was perhaps friendship more pra me not with thing that it never made something similar thus in me.

Silly I thought ' ' he will be my God who ' ' , I doubted, in the end of the cult when it was going even so said tchau Thais it never gave tchau to me. Mercy that mico, was a shame and in such a way I came back pra backwards I caught in its hand and I said tchau it held my strong hand my heart went off I was even so jumping of joy. After this I started to pray and to jejuar for it, and I am I tie today. More nothing so far he happened of different more I feel that acting of God he is tremendous.


The solitary time of the year after the rupture with your girl is in Christmas. Everywhere you see that you are surrounded by happy pairs in iceskating, kissing themselves under the snow and embracing together to occur heat. The more you face these happy pairs it is the more it is wanted to hide that your munedo no longer is the same because these crossing a little while very painful in the life. The unique problem is that it is not possible to be run and hide-and-seek of her. It is everywhere.

What can be made to in a while have the hope in which everything seems so desperate for you? If you are like the majority of the boys, who try everything what they could think (either or thought or not) to bring of return to your ex- ones as soon as the rupture happened. It gives in the face with the old argument you we are going to continue being friendly and you feel the air of the globe to be deflated but fast like the hope. Fortune teller what? That does not mean anything in the great scheme of the things. The hope is not lost until your you stop yourself upon her. Nevertheless, now it is a good moment to rethink your strategy of how recovering to your girl especially if you want fast results in time for Christmas. It begins with small Great gestures gestures are going to extinguish your great moment.

More important still, you must be hoping and arranged to harden your heart. I know that it is Christmas, but now is not the moment to try to buy its love. Now it is not the moment to demonstrate your love to him. It is the moment for making feel your love. There is a great difference that marks the difference in the world for your possibilities of success. Small samples and memories of happy times are definitively the way to follow at the moment if you want to reclaim your girl. Phosphorus boxes of its favorite restaurants, postal of romantic vacations, to write a song from the heart and to sing with her. There are something small that takes him by surprise and it cuts the breathing to him. The other thing sends a message to him that you must do is to take your time and to send a these message to him that lets him also know that your different. She needs to know that the changes are in the wind and that the things they are not going to be the same if it offers one second opportunity to you. If your really you wish to recover in time to your girl for Christmas you are going to have to make these changes. She needs to feel important and appreciated. They are the things that you say and beams makes which it feel this way and never the things that purchases for her. That does not mean that never you must buy nothing, but ten well-taken care of to use the gifts that your you must to say to him and to make feel it only. As well as your you also need sentirte loved she nesecita it, and if cause that great the small things become in time podras Recuperar to your girl for Christmas.


To make its choices. Choice you what she desires for its life, either also honest with same you and know that she will be responsible for the choice that to make. If it will not be capable to assume the loving life without the shade of the parents, will be that you will obtain to be happy to the side of it? See I you to suffer very. If he does not leave to imprison for the fear to breach and to start of new, or for the fear to dislike it. One is about its life and you he must search the happiness. Either friend, talks sufficiently, supports its husband in this process of emotional release of the parents, but if she does not delude. To the measure that the parents of it to perceive this to act to pay or to want to buy the love of them. It is important to leave clearly that love and attention are not and nor they must be demonstrated by material things.

It is not for the value that a gift if becomes significant for us. The marriage needs harmony, love, respect, confidence, admiration. If vocs they will not be able to construct a healthful relation, of love and complicity, which> giving gifts without you know, if exists a parallel agreement, me seems healthful little. Imposing its limits lovingly, but with firmness, you it will be showing who not accepted to be raised as the plain one, without no power of decision. He observes as the conflicts if they develop, reveals open and receptive to the dialogue and to understand its points of view, but if he does not leave to delude. If the relationship with the man who you love does not bring happiness you, will be that valley the penalty to insist on the relation? If it does not precipitate, it thinks sufficiently above all, it talks with honesty and clarity with it, but it knows that if you not to love itself, in first place, could not be happy with nobody. I wait to have helped it, simply understanding all the told situation. You must yes say everything she bothers what you and speak openly with its husband.

But for its story, very well described, detailed, I see that it is a colloquy that already occurred some times. You me> throughout years was a series of not coincidences that had culminated in a pretty history of love. confess I you, that I was touched myself when reading it. I wait, that the parents of its husband, if relieve to this love in detriment to interests and vanities> proper. What more the parents would have to prezar seno for the happiness of its children?