Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Mercedes SLK

You are about to reach the new and renewed version of one of the most coveted sports of the moment, we are talking of the Mercedes SLK which will be released in 2011. This new version has been viewed these months on German roads where are performing tests, and can ensure that the leap of improvement over the current model is important. The visible changes can be viewed both in exterior design as improved interiors and with a new air of inspiring, highlighting a remarkable reduction of the weight of the car and a slight increase in the size of the trunk. The new Mercedes SLK will incorporate light of day in the style of the famous Audi LED lights, new handles for the doors and a few larger mirrors. The roof will remain hard retractable, although it also seems to be that there will be a version with a retractable glass roof. As a personal opinion to my new 2011 SLK line reminds me of the Mercedes, that sports Gull wings that breaks with all the current aesthetic. Yet nothing is known regarding engines to the regarding but he has heard of a possible variant diesel and even a hybrid. The current engines are:-a four-cylinder turbo 184 HP with a torque increased from 240 Nm to 250 Newton meters with a combined fuel consumption of 7.7l/100 km and emissions of 182 g/km of CO2-SLK 280 with a consumption of 9.3 l / 100 km and emissions of 220 g/km of CO2 in its manual Variant, being the consumption in automatic 9.1l / 100 km and emissions of 216 g/km of CO2 in this variant-SLK 55 AMG with a motor of 5.5 liter V8 360 HP and 510 Nm of pair arrival and commissioning at dealerships is scheduled for early 2011.


Among all sports that arise from kitesurfing, like the mountain board or kite buggy, the snowkite is probably is the craziest discipline that is derived from the same. To practice this sport several things are needed but the main thing is, a kite, a snowboard or skis and wind table. Currently, as far as I know, there are no stations that allow the practice of this sport in their tracks, but if you practice it in frozen lakes and the the broad valleys of any station (look at catalunya down spots). At the beginning, it’s the same principle that guides these athletes coming from elsewhere. They used a material identical or very similar to the navigation at sea. Most of them are snowboarderos who have also realized the advantage of rid of all difficulties and dependencies associated with the reliefs of the MONTNER in winter or in large flat spaces of altitude and the great North. With the kite can, from now on, go and come on the slopes of the mountains or the plains with vietnos performing at times most spectacular elevations than those that can carried out on the water. It is not uncommon to see one of these new pilots to soar on such long flights that they could be considered an evolution of the paraglider. <! Begin Left Column > in a few years, this sport has organized its Championships del mondo, which has since 2004 in four stages. France, United States, Norway and Switzerland, the media and the patrocinadoresm in search of novelties for a public increasingly younger, have been launched really in droves, it is booming.

Bath Screens

A bulkhead is a dividing structure of two rooms. He is usually associated with the shower enclosures but there are other equally famous structures such as the spreaders of offices at offices of the companies. A bath enclosure consists of a transparent or translucent structure that serves to separate the inside of the shower or bath for the rest of the room. A simple screen installation: the installation of a simple enclosure, a sheet, is something very easy. Another thing to try to install a sliding bulkhead. The first step of the installation is secure to the wall profile that will hold the glass or perspex enclosure.

You should check its verticality with a spirit level. To make the holes in which you enter a few screws that fix the profile to the wall is recommended that you mark your height and start the hole using a punch and a hammer and avoiding make holes on the joints of the tiles, because the possibilities of these cracking are greater and profile shall be worse. Use a drill hammer to make the holes. Screw the profile that will hold the enclosure to the wall by inserting a few expansion plugs that will introduce the screws. So, then place first the fixed part shower, or bath enclosure if it is has it, attach the hinges that will tilt the mobile part and then attach this last so that allow us to enclose the shower to prevent water to drain to the outside.

Hormone Leptin

A new scientific discovery, would create a treatment where through the use of the hormone leptin could eliminate the undesirable kilos of more. Enzymes in the human body there are called hormones, which are responsible for controlling various physiological functions. In the case of leptin, this hormone thought this charge to send a message to the brain, to enable the mechanisms that allow to use fats as a source of energy and not other molecules but in the first instance that obesity is debia to the kind of life of sedentary and little practice sports, some scientists about obesity studies have shown that this results from the combination of several factorsone of the factors that most they have been studied during the last 10 years, has been the genetic factor and mostly to genes that are involved in the regulation of leptin in the body. Leptin which takes its name from the Greek LEPTOS, was discovered in 1994 and is associated with the gene ob (lep) which is located on chromosome 7 in humans, leptin is a protein hormone produced by fat cells which enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain, and informs the brain if you need to burn more fats or book them, leptin plays an important role in regulating appetite and metabolism, and therefore in the control of obesity. In people with obesidadlos found leptin levels are usually very high and more than enough to suppress appetite and increase metabolism, this usually does not happen and it is believed that obesity can be result of a leptin resistance, as it is the case with people who suffer from diabetes type 2 and its resistance to insulin. The problem is of course difficult since the human body is extremely complex, suspected that alongside gene OB (LEP) there are other genes involved in regulating appetite and metabolism, leptin also has no biological function in isolation, and the manner in which triggers all the biochemical pathway in the brain has not yet been understood. With insufficient scientific research conducted so far is not of course assert that leptin is a predominant factor in obesity, however with alarming rates of obesity currently growing and the obsession to lose weight eating a millionaire industry against obesity, drug companies and scientists are working together to achieve a cure for obesity. Obesity has become one of the major problems in most industrialized societies, and continues to rise at an alarming rate in the United States, which currently has the highest rates of obesity in all countries of the world, approximately 60 million adult sonclasificados how obese and 9 million have morbid obesity.

The Style

Attachment and emotions. Factors of emotional responses play a central role in the attachment theory. The differences in the style of attachment are associated with variations in emotional expression and regulation of emotion in children and adults.

N. Collins (1996) proposed that the attachment style would be directly and indirectly related to emotional responses, and that the link between attachment style and features of the conduct would be mediated by emotions and subjective explanations. According to the attachment styles would have differences in appreciation and interpretation of events with emotional components. Thus, for example in painful situations, ansiosos-ambivalentes people have a low pain tolerance and they tend to respond with fear and anxiety whenever there is any break in your environment. While the confident adults and with Avoidant attachment style, they have lower levels of negative attention. In addition, confident adults recognize moderate levels of pain, change adults with Avoidant attachment style deny pain actively.

Insecure people feel more distressed emotionally than any other style of attachment, since they tend to see situations in a more negative way (Collins, N. 1996). The different strategies to regulate and express emotions, evoke automatically according to the style of attachment of the people. (Fiske & Pavelchak, cited in Collins, N. 1996). In one study more specific about emotions, discussed the idea of Bowlby on the critical role that they play the styles of attachment on the experience of anger. Bowlby postulated that anger is a functional reaction of protest to others and insecure attachments to transform this neuronal response (wrath of hope) to a dysfunctional anger (wrath of desperation). (Mikulincer, M. 1998 a). Attachment and personality variables. Several researchers in different studies have tried to prove that the different attachment styles are associated to personal circumstances. Thus, Shaven and Brennan discussed the relationship between attachment styles and 5 large factors of personality, finding that certain individuals were less neurotic, more outgoing and more compliant than the insecure that were more shy, uncertain and anxious (Bourbeau, l. et al 1998). Conclusion the theory of attachment, especially the one proposed by Bowlby, has been very useful, since it has engendered various researches and studies on varied aspects of human behavior, which corresponds to what social psychologists consider as a good theory, i.e., guide and stimulate research, generating various scenarios to verify them. The theory seems quite useful, since it allows knowing, inferred from knowledge of the style of attachment of a person, many of their personal characteristics that are not so evident. However, the classifications cannot be considered as strict or rigid, so while they represent a frame of reference, do not determine a specific behavior, therefore, are not always absolute predictions. This is reflected in many studies that give account of the personality and ways of behaving, often independent of the attachment style and more closely related to a situation or specific scope, as happens in the interpersonal area * references…-Baldwin, M., Keelan, j., Fehr, B., Enns, V. & Koh – Rangarajoo, e. (1996). Social – cognitive conceptualization of attachment working models: Availability and accessibility effects. Journal of personality and social psychology, 71, 1, 94-109. -Bourbeau, l., Diehl, M., Elnick, a. & Labouvie-Vief, g. (1998). Adult attachment styles: Their relations to family context and personality. Journal of personality and social psychology, 74, 6, 1656-1669. -Mikulincer, M. (1995). Attachment style and the mental representation of the self. Journal of personality and social psychology, 69, 6, 1203-1215.

Creation Of Websites

Structure of elements on a web page to begin the design of our website, should carry out an organized structure of all elements, both visible and invisible. In this way will be easier navigation by users, as the way of indexing our Web site through search engines. Title the title of the page included within tags and, appear in the results after a search. Include keywords within the title, without exceeding in more than 60 characters goals keywords include approximately 15 key words in combination of two words, separated by commas, including misspellings. Imagine for example a company selling televisions in Madrid: sale Madrid TVs, TVs for sale Madrid, Madrid televisions for sale, buy telebisores Madrid. Meta description this part it is recommended not to omit, since in the search results, is what users will see and there is where will depend on that to click or not. Include a description of at least 200 characters.

Use of javascript in the head if we use part of code written in javascript that uses functions within the header, will include the code after the tag description. Use of dynamic url avoid as far as possible the use of dynamic urls type pagina.php? id = 60, using modrewrite to make urls user-friendly, similar to e.g. venta_coches_renault.htm and with associated titles the file in particular. Structure of headers to the search engines likes the use of headers h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6. If there is some kind of problem with the font size, use style sheets for formatting. Distribution of links any file should remain orphaned, that is like an island. All bound and distributed into sections by sections must stay. We have an example of a company that sells sports accessories;Section tennis: slippers-tenis.htm racquets-tenis.htm socks-Tenis.htmseccion football: boots-futbol.htm t-shirts-futbol.htm pants-futbol.htm create a map of the web in the same way we can create a map of the site with all the links.

In this way we will help to better indexing search engines. We reached no more than 100 links per page. Finder on the web do not forget either, the inclusion of an internal search engine, for the execution of a quick search.

The Intention

Then ask for personal interviews, appointments, landlines, and a series of nonsense that are no longer required due to that if you want one learn can see the company, website if you want to buy can pay with western union or deposit to the account of the company. But they don’t want that, they want to be opposite from its competitor, meet his local, the exact address, to make false accusations, with the municipality, with other authorities, etc. These are the so-called Fizgones of Internet. Fizgon is a bad intentioned person who wants to find out everything possible, that seeks to frighten someone with the tale’s Criminalist, police Secretary of court, who works in the Prosecutor’s Office, but that is not more than a fake, professional, delinquent resurgimiento de neck and sophisticated tie. In addition to the Fizgones, we have other rats, we have unfair competitors. So we have that there is a man who is professional, who works for a miserable salary administration publishes and who does not know that do to change jobs. Don’t know to to get an entry more.

These unemployed, underemployed, are like that of requesting reports by taste to all e-mail addresses, to request personal interviews, with the intention that the company that advertises on the internet, know it and see it in person. They are idiots that they imagine that they are very beautiful, sober, elegant and impressive and that a title old under the sleeve will impress company and this you will work.What they seek is to speak and talk about them and their great deeds when it was made decades, police, military, Chief official in such or which site. What they seek is clear, to offer them work, because they are unemployed or earn miseries.Other more cunning they send messages and say that they want to be partners, who want to invest, but when are already on the site, refuse to invest in advertising on various pretexts.

Mitch Winehouse

/ Ensures that drug taking to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal, the Librium, increases the chance of a collapse. He admits that Amy Winehouse did everything with excess. Definitive reports of his death have not been disclosed. Amy Winehouse’s father, Mitch Winehouse, has granted the first television interview since her daughter died. The progenitor of the singer has provided new clues about the cause of the death of the singer. According to his version, was hard detoxification that was submitting and the use of a legal drug for this purpose, the Librium, what killed her. Everything that made Amy did in excess.

He drank too much and made rehabilitation in excess, indicates the father of the deceased singer in an interview with the talk show Anderson Cooper that airs this Monday. The diva of soul, which for years fought his addiction to drugs and alcohol, was found dead at his home in London on July 23. According to his family, toxicological reports indicate that there was alcohol in your blood, but it is not clear that this contributed to his death. Mitch Winehouse, during an emotional interview, also adds that the analysis revealed traces of Librium in his blood, a drug that is administered to combat anxiety and other symptoms in alcoholics who are in rehabilitation and that, according to their statements, increase the chance of a collapse. Taking Librium daily, said. In this line, Mitch regrets that Amy Winehouse would disengage without the help of a professional, because periods of abstinence were ever longer and ever shorter periods in those who drank. I was in the right direction, says. In addition, the father of the singer explains that Amy suffered from attacks that could cause you to lose consciousness in recent months before dying, and that might be a good explanation for what happened that July 23. When not drank, was the owner of the world, recalls during the interview, whose fragments were issued by TMZ, the father of Amy Winehouse, which ensures that not blamed her ex-husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, of his death, but only of his affection to drugs hard. Source of the news: the father of Amy Winehouse believes that his daughter died from an “excessive rehabilitation”

Constitutional Court

This model only applies to a specific, real and concrete dispute (incidental nature), that is, applies in an installed process, and whose judicial decision of unconstitutionality does not goes beyond the boundaries of the dossier (Declaration of inapplicability), therefore we can say that the effects of the application of the fuzzy control affects only the parties involved in the processIt is not Erga Omnes. Today, in countries in which has incorporated it is, it appears expressly and within the chapter of the Judicial (hence the designation of ‘diffuse system’, distributed or diffused among all the courts that integrate the power of the State). Another striking feature is the fact that for the application of the fuzzy control has a direct procedure. In our reality the Constitutional Court has pointed out in its judgment in Nro. (1124 – 2001-AA/TC published September 11, 2002 certain budgets that should be noted in order to validly apply the fuzzy control: to) that in the constitutional process, the object of the challenge is an act which constitutes the implementation of a norm considered unconstitutional. (b) the norm to inaplicarse have a direct, main and indissoluble relationship with the resolution of the case.

And (c)) that the norm to inaplicarse is obviously incompatible with the Constitution, even after having gone to interpret it in accordance with the Constitution. Is true that in its origin the only Fuzzy Control model operated in the scenario of a concrete and real judicial process, so one could argue that they are only the empowered judges to apply the Fuzzy Control, however to date this is not entirely true, because that power also holds the national jury of elections, the Constitutional Court, and other administrative collegiate bodies with certain restrictions.

SGAE Teddy

The singer is part of the new Board of Directors of the SGAE, within the candidature who supported the President of the entity. It ensures that Bautista is with force, like a motorcycle. Freedom with charges for Teddy Bautista and other two directors of the SGAE. KEY: who pulling the strings of SGAE? How does it work? PROFILES: SGAE Teddy Bautista: obsessed with raising money lead singer Victor Manuel dndio this Sunday the honesty and the work done by Teddy Bautista in front of the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores and assured that the problem being investigated in the SGAE is clearly delimited. I’ve known him for years and know of his honesty and his sacrifice by the rights of intellectual property, by the authors ultimately.

I only have good words for him, said Victor Manuel. Therefore, the singer felt that the possible re-election of Baptist charged for misappropriation and fraudulent administration as head of the Board of Directors of the SGAE – position held since 1995 – It will depend exclusively on him. This week the members of the Board will meet to see how continues the process begun with the elections of last Thursday and that should culminate in the election of the President of the Council at a meeting on June 12. Everything depends basically on Teddy, of their will to continue facing the challenge of further managing the SGAE. We will listen to your state of mood and we will see, said Victor Manuel, who expressed optimistic about the possible response of the Baptist. I thought that it was going to be depressed, to exit this Sunday at freedom after being detained since Friday, but it is like a motorcycle, Super, so I guess that we will immediately have a meeting with him.

Case elected last Thursday, within the candidature who supported Bautista, said that the judicial investigation opened in society is due to an isolated problem affecting the digital society, isolated the singer, who is part of the new Board of Directors of the SGAE and the company Microgenesis, that software has been delivered to the SGAE. I hope that everything is clarified, he added. Victor Manuel also stressed it will continue collaborating with the SGAE as until now.