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Expedia.de Reveals The Favorite Beach Reading Of The German

Expedia.de reveals the favorite Beach reading of the German Munich, March 22, 2012. The 2012 season is opened and this year it attracts many German tourists on the beaches of the world again. According to a recent study of by GfK on behalf of Expedia.de * 55 percent of Germans in the beach read. Therefore gives Expedia.de to the launch of the Expedia travel packages”app for iPads, each Urlaubsreifen, posts his travel through the application from iTunes worth 30 Euro voucher immediately. Mobile devices are now just as travel facilities, such as a good read.

With the iTunes certificate our customers to increase their digital vacation library”, so Andreas NAU, Managing Director of Expedia.de. Expedia.de and GfK have uncovered who prefer reading what on the beach. Bild-Zeitung or Glamour magazine? Also on the beach, the stereotype is confirmed: the man reads his newspaper at the breakfast table, while the woman in a magazine to peel. Actually, almost 40 percent of women without not shallow to the reading on the beach while only 26 percent of men can inspired on the beach for a magazine. The men on the other hand, prefer a newspaper to read (30 percent compared to 15 percent among women). And who would have thought it, women love it especially in the holidays cheerful and romantic. Comedies (26 percent) and romantic stories (17 percent) are the absolute favourites among the genres in the women. 17 percent of German men indicating, however, even not at the stand to read.

Only ten percent are women famous for the Sun bathing. East German romanticism against West German crime East Germans and West Germans alike love to read on the beach. The subject of the reading but is often not the same. While the West Beach vacationers more often access to a crime (15 percent) or thriller (seven percent), to inspire more East Germans with a romantic novel (ten percent).

Vicente Calderon

It becomes difficult to find a footballer who, just a year after hang up the boots, sit on a bench and begin collecting hits. Two of them will face today. PEP Guardiola and Diego Simeone. The newspapers mentioned Nick Carr not as a source, but as a related topic. Both were captains of Barca and Atletico, respectively, the two teams that will be measured this evening on the lawn of the Vicente Calderon. Previous graphic, 21. 30whrThe two arrived at the address of their current teams with the Mission of revitalizing them. In the case of El Cholo, complicated by the fact of having landed with the season already started.

But his hand has been noticed. And much. His team remains unbeaten under his command. However, not a draw enough to the azulgrana. To not bury once and for all their dreams in the League, they need the victory.

In appearance, expects a fast-paced game.Those duels between Atletico and Barcelona, with Guardiola and Simeone dresses short, it already were. In its majority. Neither of them supports the bitter taste of defeat. This athletic already has everything Simeone. Or almost, in the sense of soul. It is a very intense team, where everyone is working, all strive. Fight every ball as if it were the last, why they are unbeaten with him, analyzed Guardiola.Simeone is an expert in extreme situations. His first team as a technician was Racing, to which pulled out of a situation complicated with multiple victories. From there, he jumped to the Estudiantes de La Plata, with which he won the Apertura tournament in 2006. Guardiola, meanwhile, took Barca B from third to second B in his first year as coach, in the 2007-2008 season. The next, began it as a brand-new technician of the first team of Barcelona. The stage of Frank Rijkaard had come to an end with two years without major titles. With it, 2009 was the year of Barca buy T-shirts of football 2012 of six cups.

About Popular Food Sources Of German Students

In a healthy body is a healthy mind who learn a lot, need proper food. The classic, fat trail mix shows what matters at the spiritual usage. Contrary to its name, but nowadays also like is consumed by non-students. But what really eat students beyond their desktop, and what goes into Germany’s canteens over the counter? News.de looked the academics on the plate. Not only for professionals, also in the field of education and campus of the factor is time in the foreground. Fast food and little effort is the criterion for the student shopping list. For this reason the food in the cafeteria for many of the daily routine is: no supermarket visit, no dishes, no dirty dishes, and all at an affordable price. Short distances, because in close proximity, and still offers always reichhalterigeres there are more arguments hardly for a permanent visit of Mensa.

Especially the selection leaves nothing to be desired. Kenneth R. Feinberg is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Finally, students are quite picky concerning the choice of food. The dusty canteen atmosphere of the 1990s three times is already passee meat dish with potatoes. Meanwhile, outdo each other with beautiful glass and domes the German canteens and offer even organic, vegtarisch and vegan at. Finally, feed on many students very health conscious and access like to particularly in the area of Humanities and social sciences – organic meals.

The canteens have long recognized the trend and adapt their offering. So it is little wonder, then, that the food industry has the young academics as a popular audience in the eye. Still, however, the most popular dish is schnitzel in all variants. Followed closely by chips, pasta and potatoes the breaded Wiener meat dish ends up most often on the plates of hungry students. When you at home cooked, then mostly in good company and great round. Especially the weekends are used extensively for common cooking events at where the last week of uni Revue happens is allowed. Restaurant visits are, however, rare, because the student budget in most cases is still too narrow. More information: company /… News.de GmbH Lisa Neumann

Sylt Video For The Short Trip To The Island

For all that want to satisfy longing for “their” island, is fortunately Sylt Sylt videos you love it now or never. Alone the geographical location is a space setting characteristic of Sylt, is the largest island in North Frisia the island after all. Live on by something less than 100 square kilometres of 20,000 people; a number of course allowing fallacies with regard to the actual life of the island. Sylt is one of the most popular destinations in all of Germany? Each year it attracts nearly a million visitors before the coast of Schleswig-Holstein, approximately seven million tourist nights are the result. The reasons for this popularity are of different nature and composed in its entirety to a comprehensible holiday offer.

Party, beach and chic: day and night in the North Sea. Tourism is thriving especially in summer, which is not only due to the high average temperatures, but also on the exposed sea position and kilometre-long, bright sand beaches. These are usually good in the warmer months populated by tourists from all over the world who make themselves comfortable in the famous beach chairs. Like all German holiday Islands, Sylt beaches offer many specific sections where the nude sunbathing and swimming is possible. This is not one of the main reasons for the popularity of Sylt, but for many holidaymakers a nice addition but quite. As the map shows actually the peculiarity of Sylt alone: with the 40 kilometre-long West Beach, which are ENT runs the entire North South extension on the West side of the island, these more than clearly shows its character as a beach and sunny island.

If the tourists finally move away from the long sandy dunes, the second part of the day begins. This is characterized by an extensive night life with many exclusive bars, restaurants and discos, where the celebration lasts often up late into the night. This concerns in particular the cultural strongholds Westerland and Kampen, which alone make up a major part of the Sylter soul. Need proof? Sylt videos (www.youtube.com/ user/sylt64) to deliver him. A part of the world with such popularity is understandably also extensively documented. So many videos about life on the island, with all sides and aspects of the culture of the island can be found in the Internet. In addition to numerous videos on the relevant video as portals on the Web especially special websites dedicated to the island of Sylt popular starting points in the search for the video on the dream island. Also in this case, the bandwidth is large; In addition to recordings of the beaches, the gastronomy, the life in the villages as well as major festivals and events via video be considered can. Company Description Sylt TV is a news portal for the island of Sylt. In addition to current news, pictures and videos, also goods and services around the island are offered. Company contact: Sylt TV wolfgang rolke Brokhauser route 46 26160 bad Zwischenahn Tel: 04413802801 E-Mail: Web:

Effective Action Management For

Porta Porta group, Germany’s largest family-run establishment company opts for campaign manager of SALT solutions, is the campaign manager of SALT solutions in marketing campaign management. The core engine takes action and budget management, the planning module performs the tedious manual calculations and consolidation within the planning process and provides faster and more reliable results for the overall management of the action thanks to automated processes. Porta presents itself with 20 large facility centres (“Porta furniture”), two additional sites (“furniture home-cooked”) and SB 87 stores (“furniture BOSS”). The company generates annual sales of over a billion euros with 6,500 employees. A large part of customer interest is initiated by marketing. Porta distributed weekly inserts in Ecircle. In addition, switched spots on the radio and ads in newspapers and mailings sent. The planning and implementation of this Actions is complex and extremely labor intensive.

It lacked so far valid statements about the current state of the advertising budgets and the resources available for the remainder of the year. Budget control and planning overview looking for a flexible and intuitive solution to this highly dynamic environment was find Porta in SALT solutions. The SALT Campaign Manager combines the integration and automation of all processes in the action management with permanent and reliable budget information and analyses. In addition, a comprehensive evaluation provides deep insights into success or failure causes of individual actions and allowing the accurate adjustment of the market and customers. “We have searched long in the market for such a comprehensive and holistic solutions. We are all the more happy that we have found a partner with SALT solutions, offering not only a compelling solution, but also brings a deep understanding of the process.

The high degree of flexibility, with the SALT solutions our partly very complex needs “has accepted and implemented, has us exceedingly satisfied”, so Stefan Jungmann, head of marketing at Porta. Company Description short profile Trade Division: Division trade of SALT Solutions GmbH specializes in IT solutions and system integration for the stationary and mail order. The range of services includes complete systems and process consulting for the inventory management for retail planning and controlling, POS (point of sale) as well as for CRM and inventory management. Innovative solutions for mobile data entry, mobile order tools, RFID and Web portals complete our portfolio of trading systems. Technologically, SALT solutions relies on IT standards such as Java Enterprise Edition and Microsoft.NET. Technology partnerships to IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft. Otto, Gerry Weber, SportScheck, Eddie Bauer, Lascana, Porta and the USA belong to the commercial customers of SALT solutions. Company contact: SALT Solutions GmbH Heiner Drathen Hansaallee 201 40549 Dusseldorf Tel: + 49.211.520236.0 email: Web: PR contact: SALT Solutions GmbH Michael Seibold Schurer str. 5a 97080 Wurzburg Tel: 0931-46086-2552 E-Mail:

Now Available: Across Language Server V5. 3

Increased productivity thanks to new functions and strong improvement in performance and stability: this is the result of more than a year developing work in across has made numerous improvements in the back and front end of the translation management system. Additional functions such as the app localization round off the range of the new version. Main objective in the development of across v5. 3 was significantly to facilitate the daily work for the user and to accelerate. To meet the increasing demands of industrial customers and language service providers, also the smallest details was potential. Continuous quality assurance at every stage of the process ultimately ensured that the performance of the across significantly increased language server from small to very large installations. This makes especially on large translation of memories and noticeable, because even when processing large amounts of data in the production expenses for each individual documents can be Significantly reduce translation project. Here, Kenneth R. Feinberg expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Extensive load tests have confirmed this; the required response times could even easily be beaten.

Project Manager and translator likewise benefit from the resulting time savings. App localization using across systems technology but also the expansion of the scope of the function allows a work even more efficiently. With the version v5. 3 enables the localization of mobile apps for smartphones and Tablet PCs across. previously supported platforms Android, iOS (iPhone), and BlackBerry, Windows phone will be coming soon. All new features and enhancements across are reflected also in the LSP Edition tailored specifically to language service providers. This is like the version v5. 3 is now available.

Across provides an initial overview of webinars on the topic of interested parties. More information at. About across systems GmbH across German headquartered in Karlsbad, (Germany) and a U.S. branch in Glendale (in Los Angeles) is manufacturer of the across Language server, a market-leading software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company. Through the use of across the and thus the process costs can be reduced with higher translation quality and more transparency within the shortest time. The language server can be used on conforming 15038:2006 for translation services EN with the DIN. Across systems GmbH is a certified partner of Microsoft, which ensures the successful implementation of Microsoft technologies. Integrating across IT environments is possible thanks to a software development kit (SDK). For this purpose, the Department of business services & support across and well-known system integrators and technology partners provide support. In the context of product development, cooperates with international universities and colleges across and is professionally accompanied by an own Scientific Advisory Board. Also with well-known technology companies and language service providers of the software manufacturer opts for years partnership Cooperation. Customers across are (excerpt): 1 & 1 Internet AG, Allianz Versicherungs AG, HypoVereinsbank, Miele, SMA solar technology AG, ThyssenKrupp and many more. Learn all about across systems GmbH at. Editorial Contacts: Across systems GmbH Marco of rough In IM Stoeckmaedle 13-15 76307 Karlsbad phone: + 49 7248 925-472 fax: + 49 7248 925-444 PR agency of good news! Nicole Korber of Koobrzeg road 36 GmbH 23617 Stockelsdorf phone: + 49 451 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

Allergy To Fragrance – If Smells Of Health Harm

Many creams and skin care products contain allergens that can lead to allergic reactions up to asthma what is unaware of many that even perfumes can trigger an allergy. Has the body once allergic to a substance, remembers the immune system and triggers a reaction again at the next contact with this substance. The probably most problematic scents seem cinnamon oil, clove, oakmoss and Balsam of Peru. Who wants to go sure, can migrate to natural fragrance-free cosmetics. Allergies are a burden on affected parties. Partly, they can restrict not only the quality of life, but even become a real danger for the health.

What many do not realize is that even perfumes can trigger an allergy. Essential oils and their micro materials are the reason. The probably most problematic scents seem cinnamon oil, clove, oakmoss and Balsam of Peru. Irritation of the skin, itching and burning are often the first symptoms of an allergy. But why has you even allergic to fragrances? The human immune system is designed to protect the body.

Also immune responses include this protection, if impurities, bacteria or viruses Act on the body. It also chemical additives used in creams and care products from the body can be recognized as foreign. The intruder is reversed and the immune system triggers an allergic reaction. The aim is that the body feels sick. Has the body once allergic to a substance, remembers the immune system and triggers a reaction again at the next contact with this substance. Unfortunately comparatively little is known so far about the effects of fragrances on health and the environment. Fragrances can be ingested through breathing and spread over the bloodstream throughout the body. Also it is assumed that some of these fragrance substances through the skin can be absorbed. What makes it not easier the potential allergy sufferers is the fact that There is no clear declaration obligation for fragrance-containing products. As a self-test, you can for three days on the inside of the forearm apply the new cosmetic and watch if irritation occurs. No irritation should occur, it is relatively safe well with this product. Who wants to go sure, can migrate to natural fragrance-free cosmetics. Fragrances can even cause asthma also asthma can belong to the reactions of allergy. In addition to the skin, the mucous membranes and respiratory tract may be tempted therefore also. Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract.

The result is a permanent hypersensitivity, which exists as a result of increased secretion of mucus, cramps the bronchial muscles and formation of edema of bronchial mucous membrane respiratory way narrowing. Why can’t from a harmless ‘ allergy be asthma? An allergic inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the Nasen-Rachen-Raums can spill over in the course of time also on the lower respiratory tract. There, asthma can be triggered. To Start is at first an allergen in the Center. After several years, it is however common to a broadening of the spectrum of trigger. An avoidance of allergens becomes increasingly difficult, so partly for some patients even impossible. The contribution of “many creams and skin care products contain allergens that can lead to allergic reactions up to asthma” provided all the information for the present press release. First, the article on the blog health portal has been published.

Nutrition Advisor – Citrus Fruit: Small, Healthy Vitamin Bomb

A vitamin-rich and balanced diet is very important especially in the cold season. Especially vitamin C strengthens the immune system and the body’s natural defences and can therefore against colds and flu protect. Especially now in wintertime, citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines and lemons are perfect vitamin c suppliers. Vitamins are very important for health, which is generally known. But also in everyday life to diet, rich in vitamins and balanced, it is not always easy. Fruit is a healthy and also gorging snack for between meals in each bag fits, if the time for the lunch break again once is not enough. Especially citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines or lemons are very healthy by many contained vitamins.

We take, for example, the Orange: oranges contain abundant vitamin C too much carotene and essential B vitamins. And insert itself into its shell also vitamin and pectins. The pulp contained Bioflavonoids which have strong antioxidant effect and so also positively affect the health. And It goes even further: vitamin C protects the artery walls, promotes the removal of plaques, normalizes the production of cholesterol, reduces the secondary risk factors in the liver and relieves vascular wall tensions high blood pressure, which increases the availability of relaxation factors and the reduction of elevated blood pressure result has. Vitamin C is so to speak perfect prerequisite for the functioning of your immune system. And citrus fruits have yet another positive side effect: who exchanges his snack in between against citrus fruits or vegetables can do quite incidentally still something for the slim line.

Because even though fruit tastes wonderfully sweet, it is ideal for a calorie and low-fat diet, if one has the desire to reduce his weight. 100 g Orange for example only 40 kcal and 0.19 g of fat. So ideal, to achieve the desired weight. And weight loss despite a healthy, nutritious diet difficult for whom, Sanacontrol can a novel, innovative, Help medical product, which sells hunger feelings in a gentle way, to get rid of those pesky pounds. Curious?

How Does The Health Care System By Officials And Civil Servants Candidates?

Fundamentals of the civil service, part 1: Health insurance officials receive from their employer, so typically the federal or State, a subsidy for their medical expenses. This is called aid. Unlike other workers this grant not to their insurance contribution is paid, but demonstrated costs as a percentage of the actually incurred. In practice, this means: If the officials to the doctor goes, he gets an invoice from this. These ranges in parallel or one after the other of the aid and its health insurance and receives the repayment performance. The rate of aid, so the percentage that the aid takes over, depends on the personal situation. In most Lander, the basic rate of aid is 50%.

If two or more children are taken into account, the rate rises to 70%, the children themselves have always 80% aid claims. The health insurance of the civil servants and officers candidate should adapt always the personal aid ratings. It is therefore only a private insurance into account. To stay in the statutory health insurance, makes no sense. This private health insurance rates for civil servants, judges, teachers, officials – and teacher candidate quota tariffs is called “.” The special fares adapt not only on the rate of aid, but also in other, individual rules depending on the employer. Because the State aid rules is not nationally regulated, therefore there are variations with regard to the eligibility of expenditures for choice of hospital (Chief Physician treatment, twin room). Long but not every tariff on the insurance market can do that. Alleged experts for the public service”health insurance rates often apply for civil and especially for officers candidate who ever does not take into account the different state aid rules of the Federal States.

As a result, Co-payments and unkalkulierte costs for the insured. “There in the rules on State aid in addition some services as eligible” acknowledges, but cuts, an ordinary health insurance also includes an aid supplementary tariff, known as tariff BE the most insurers. “Trainees and young professionals” with regard to officials offered special, low-cost variants: depending on the scope of the tariffs is a good health insurance for teacher candidates and officer candidates (starting from the normally 50% aid rate) between 60,-and 115,-in the month. At good rates, there is also the possibility that a high premium refunds (at Anwarten up to 6 month posts) to receive, if one has filed any services with the health insurance company in a year. You can take the aid part of course. So, a nice vacation money from the insurers comes back just for young people, if one paid his two checkups and the annual flu medicine to the half even.

Live Healthy And Fit

Diet, sleep and exercise are important factors for the strengthening of the immune system the immune system protects damage tissue by pests. It is the biological response of higher organisms. The immune system can remove their own cells are altered, or not properly working. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Federal Reserve Bank. It is distinguished in medicine the innate immune response and the Adaptive immune system. The non-specific immune response is genetic and is from small to exist. She is active in a few minutes. However, is not quite as fast, for the specific immune system but can adapt to it. Because viruses are constantly changing, this is important, in the course of life to protect themselves against these.

The immune system consists of three basic things: the mechanical barrier is the first hurdle for dangerous pests. These include the skin, stomach, eyes, mouth, and for example, intestinal. Cells: the T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and macrophages are the most important cells of the immune system. Follow the Immune response and response from. The humoral components are antibodies, Interleukins and the complement system. Antibodies are formed.

These destroy the invader or highlight it, at least for other cells, then to destroy them. The actual immune response should overcome the first mechanical barrier to pathogens, are new, the body-unknown pests with macrophages and dendritic cells in contact. Phagocytes are now active. They eat the agents formally (include) and show the properties of the pest of T – and B-lymphocytes. Once this is done, immune cells are used. You kill off the pathogens or make antibodies. Antibodies and memory cells ensure that the body with a renewed attack by the pathogen has a “means” against the invader. Thus, the second immune response takes place very quickly. This must not necessarily lead to the infection. There can be several reasons why the body is not infected or not fully break out the disease. So the pathogen may be harmless the immune system strongly enough small amounts of combat or the number of pathogens to be low. Learn more about the immune response in the student dictionary. What does a positive effect on the immune system? 5 Things that stand for a strong immune system are well known. So everyone should eat balanced. Important nutrients are zinc, iron, and selenium. The current possibilities to cover themselves with fresh food are good. Fruit and vegetables should be eaten every day. You can support the immune system with vitamins (C, and A). Sufficient sleep is part of a healthy diet. Depending on the age of the people, important peace should be given to the body. Antibodies are built much faster in his sleep. Adults should sleep 6 to 8 hours per day, to regenerate the body. Sport in the intense version is not good for the human immune system. Slows down the production of important antibodies. However, movement is also important, to bring the body into ride- Defense System. Short-term stress makes it possible to provide us with maximum performance. Already, our ancestors had to face dangers in nature. Constant stress is bad for the defense forces. Stress hormones are sustained stress vermehr produced. The healthiest way of life brings nothing but if nicotine or alcohol are consumed.