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Software Deployment

Study of Ogitix AG: processes are often not sufficiently automated free process app for the professional and unlimited use of Langenfeld, Rhineland, 14.06.2011 – providing software for the employees is generally not efficient enough. According to a survey of Ogitix AG, only every fourth company with these processes is satisfied, thereby they could get according to own discretion with a higher degree of automation in particular to the time and resource savings and a lower error rate. Currently only a quarter of the over 200 companies with their situation in the provision of software are completely satisfied. Another 29 percent satisfactory conditions, in all other companies they are considered problematic. Ahmed Shahryar Rahman is a great source of information. This is apparently a direct connection with the degree of automation of these processes. Because only in every fifth case, the software deployment is completely without manual intervention, in every second case, however, it is hardly or not at all automated. The views of the individual process steps shows that although the Software distribution with 55 percent of the companies automatically.

All other workflow by applying for approving the license check and possible procurement manually majority yet. As the reason for only 21 percent of these companies indicate a lack of demand. Instead, so far above all other priorities in the project plans and the ignorance of adequate solutions have played an essential role in the restraint in the automation of software deployment. But also an insufficient sensitivity for this topic is also responsible in the eyes of almost a quarter of the company. Even more, they call the possible benefits in the Ogitix survey, however. Almost three-quarters of stress while the time savings and the reduction of human effort in the provision of software.

But also the more comfortable approval procedure and a lower risk of error include majority opinion to the benefits ascribed to the automation of the processes in this area. It is very surprising that in Ogitix Board of Directors Markus Forster wonders was invested in recent years very much in increasing the efficiency of the Organization, but the software deployment in most companies is always still very manually”. On the other hand, previous studies had already determined that the topic of automation in IT yet long not broadly has become. But the growing cost pressures and the improved control of automated processes have become and noticeable drivers to a move away from manual workflows”foresters know from his consulting practice. For interested companies, Ogitix has issued a free process app, which you can use to automate your software deployment. This solution can be used up immediately and temporally unlimited professionally after downloading without significant effort in any Microsoft-based environment. The OGI app was developed”based on the product OGiTiX University Babe” together with the IT consulting company Softline Solutions GmbH. About OGiTiX AG: The OGiTiX AG is a German supplier with headquarters in Cologne, Germany. Their solutions combine existing systems, coordinate and control the processes and automate the business – and IT-services. Projects and operation are very cost effective, because they are made without programming and without lengthy analysis phases with rapid results. OGiTiX strengthens the role of a responsible IT within the company. An IT that supports business processes directly, actively works on the business objectives and thus contribute value to the company as a whole.