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Emotional Intelligence

Know you know what you know and that you know what is not known; Here is the true knowledge. More info: Chandra Patel. Confucius as Wikipedia highlights it, emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize feelings own and others, and the ability to handle them. The term was popularized by Daniel Goleman, with his famous book: Emotional Intelligence, published in 1995. Goleman believes that emotional intelligence can be arranged in five capacities: Learn about emotions and feelings, manage them, recognize them, create own motivation, and handling relations background we added besides wikipedia that use more distant a similar to the emotional intelligence concept goes back to Darwin, which indicated the importance of emotional expression for survival and adaptation in their work. Learn more at this site: Chandra Patel. Although the traditional definitions of intelligence emphasized cognitive aspects, such as memory and the ability to solve problems, several influential researchers in the field of the study of intelligence are beginning to recognize the importance of the absence of cognitive aspects.

Thorndike, in 1920, used the term social intelligence to describe the ability to understand and motivate other people. David Wechsler in 1940, described the influence of non-intellective factors on intelligent behavior, and argues, moreover, that our models of intelligence will not be complete until they could not adequately describe these factors. In 1983, Howard Gardner, in his theory of multiple intelligences Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences introduced the idea include both interpersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people) and intrapersonal intelligence (the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate own feelings, fears and motivations). For Gardner, intelligence indicators, as the CI does not explain fully cognitive ability. Therefore, although the names given to the concept have varied, there is a common belief that traditional definitions of intelligence does not give an exhaustive explanation of their features. The first use of the term emotional intelligence is usually attributed to Wayne Payne, cited in his doctoral thesis: A study of emotion: developing emotional intelligence, 1985.Sin however, the term emotional intelligence had previously appeared in Leuner (1966) texts.

The New Week

The new week is not presented with too many changes paranoid politicians still in its wonderful pedestal paid by all taxpayers who are those who suffer its absurdities and occurrences, but submissive beings who pay them accept everything what their politicians put them on the table without complaint and with resignation. Discordant minds take refuge in the last bastion of freedom internet where critics of the Government while this permits that the network exists, that while we go any day, us close internet but at the moment only protest can be on the network, people have the right to vent but no more, we only stayed in the relief people is not mobilized for anything unless it’s a football team or something festive, society is still adocenada in their things, any restless mind wants to awaken society but it is rather difficult, when people have no social conscience is difficult that involved in political and social movements some that another journalist wants to set up a civic platform for criticizing the Government. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Bob Swan. The people of mode very minority is awakening from his dream, where he has lived in many years, abundance, where everything seemed a euphoric celebration of consumption where the money seemed to have no end, everything seemed to joy, money seemed not never end, everyone had access to easy credit to consumption, fruit of the consumerist pressure many borrowed up to the eyebrows now the party is just and dropped us the castle above, people resigns to assume that it will raise taxes, those who should help the country out of crisis are not going to give up their privileges. People continue assuming that not worth fight for anything that politicians are a necessary evil for a society anesthetized, sleeping and without weapons to fight or at least only more beyond the protest, it is not the end of the tunnel, is resigned to endure as their pockets are decimated and little more. Protest is not going with the current awareness, unless it is by topics entertainment like football, so we have politicians like the current time and so this current society in other things, the policy does not go with none of the current Spanish many declare apolitical, because they don’t want to know anything about a caste which is not going with them and so is difficult to change anything, resignation is the usual slogan, from a society that seems passive and sleepy.