We arrived in Lima at that time at the airport Jorge Chavez provided these were not unexpected, since we had wait 30 minutes until you reach the stairs that allows us descent, the obfuscations of the passengers were visible, and LAN crew always with a smile thanked us for traveling with them (How ironic!), time was short and my parents decided that if we expect this was resolved LAN a lost time, also to renew passenger queues were long and we decided to venture destination and suitcases in hand, boarded a taxi to ground transportation agency throughout the Paseo de La Republica, as expected by all that walking avenue without success, agency after agency rubbed us the same answer: We are in party, gentlemen, there is hardly passages will have to go by plane (if they know what it is to travel by plane), fortunately the perseverance has been one of my virtues notable and now once more help, I managed to 8pm and arriving at Trujillo, and I could enjoy a dinner with my family, which at the end was undone, INESPERADOHoy was a great day, a few days of the event, reflect on the problem caused, I think the Government Central and CORPAC should worry more about these issues, although the fog is a natural phenomenon irreversible, to descend to Trujillo and / or other city by descent with high powered lights, it is possible, We are in a country is opening to tourism with outstanding results, but we must be present in this detail, every traveler hopes to reach its destination with a happy and ironic phrase (sorry, gentlemen passengers have no landing is impossible.) I hope that this reading comes to reflect not only the government, if not the people to always be aware of contingencies. Miguel Palacios Quito.. . (Similarly see: Antarctica Capital). .