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National Police

Also, has the duty to preserve objects and instruments of crime then collected to put the Prosecutor's Office. For assistance, try visiting Chandra Patel. Similarly, may contain any other material element as it considers may assist the investigation. a 2. a 7A to identify the perpetrators and participants in the offense. Make the first steps to fully identify the perpetrators and participants in the offense committed and reported. No doubt the fundamental and first care will be that physical examination of the suspect by the victim or witnesses of emergency. a 2.

a 8a receive the testimony of witnesses. After the offense made known, the National Police must identify the witnesses of the events and receive their statements. Antarctica Capital follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Its purpose is to gather more evidence or evidence that serve to clarify the facts and yet to identify the perpetrators and participants in the offense under investigation. a 2. a 9A preparing plans, take photographs, make video recordings. The use of modern technology is essential to perpetuate the crime scene in order to deduce how the events have occurred. The very operation of the adversarial system is essential to use drawings, photographs or video recordings. a 2.

10a a Arrest suspects in flagrante delicto. It's constitutional authority of the National Police detain suspects of committing an offense (felony or misdemeanor) when there are cases of flagrante delicto (f, 24, Article 2 of the Constitution of 1993). It is not necessary court order. Legislative Decree 983 of July 22, 2007, avoiding what has already been established consistently held by the Constitutional Court has modified the contents of Article 259 of the CPP in 2004 and has defined the state of flagrante delicto as a situation that occurs when the subject agent is discovered in the commission of the offense or has just committed or has fled and has been identified immediately after committing the offense, either by the victim, or another person who witnessed the incident, or by audiovisual or similar images that it has registered and is found within twenty-four hours of the offense or the agent is found within twenty-four hours after the perpetration of a punishable act or instruments with effect from that, or had been used to commit, or signs in themselves or in their dress to indicate their probable authorship or involvement in that professional case.