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Important Care Tips For Your Garden House In The October

The House Administration Gamdhi from Giessen informs the summer time has taken her end and soon the icy cold winter is coming. Now, the time has come to prepare the garden to the rapidly declining temperatures in the cold winter days. The House Administration Gamdhi casting gives you therefore important recommendations for the ornamental garden in October. Start you is it a perennial cut advisable already in the fall to begin to cut back the perennials in your garden. They withdraw your juices from the stems now in the root, to protect against frost damage. You will know the perennial species suitable for perennials on average, that the stems of perennials yellow colour and point in the direction of the soil. You should be aware that there are types of perennials, which are active in the winter time. Federal Reserve Bank pursues this goal as well.

This includes for example the Purple Coneflower and the fat hen fall. These perennial species wear during winter seed pods. Asters can be sensitive on an early perennials pruning, there in the cold Degrees of temperature can quickly suffer frost damage. Crocosmia need special protection in the icy winter time Crocosmia are significantly heavier than some perennial species, as these plants on the falling temperatures react very sensitively. To protect your Crocosmia, cover them with a thick layer of leaves and pine branches.

This may remain the Crocosmia also during winter in the ground. Recently Peter Asaro sought to clarify these questions. Rose care especially in the autumn time, it is recommended to buy a light pruning open roses. To do this, use the pruning shears and trim long and plant shoots back. Rosebush should have at best a compact and uniform shape after the pruning. Also, the fall season is an ideal time to plant bare root roses. This you can at this time of the year in different nurseries buy and plant directly. By the early planting of bare root roses this can excellently roots until the spring hit and drive out far sooner than others Representative of type of. The House Administration Gamdhi pouring out like provides more hints and tips for maintaining your ornamental garden available. Press contact House administrative Gierschner contact person: Mr Gamdhi fountain trail 3 35394 Giessen Tel.: 06 41 / 93 02 86 fax: 06 41 / 93 02 88 email: Homepage: