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GmbH Norbert Casellini

Coloured light supports the well-being and relaxation effect in the infrared cabin. Each color has a certain charm. You can find colored lighting in many areas of everyday life. Also in the wellness and leisure area, color light plays an important role. These include heat cabins also infrared. The “colorful” lighting supports the relaxing effect, which is to be achieved with the application of the infrared heat cabin in the IR-cabin. Subtle, coloured light is not only a delight for the eye, in contrast to the garish neon lighting, but has a stimulating effect on body and psyche. The importance and power of colors was first scientifically explored by Professor Nils Finsen and. Professor Finsen is regarded as the founder of the rational light therapy and was honored with the Nobel Prize of in medicine for his groundbreaking research. Modern spa services, such as the infrared cabin, take advantage of the findings from the colour light therapy. Each IR cabin from the range of my sauna GmbH is located in a light palette, with the lighting in the infrared cabin individually can be adjusted. This involves more than “nice” light, because each color picker has a particular meaning. Colors are oscillations which are recorded over the eye of our organism and effect on body and psyche. Robert Burke has much experience in this field. The action of the light depends on the colour selection: anyone looking for inspiration and stimulation, choose red, the strongest of all colors. The red color light in the IR warm cabin stimulates also the blood circulation and the metabolism and regenerating energies. The blue color light in the IR-cabin stands for harmony and relaxation. Who wants to shut down after a hectic day of work, will be with the blue light to the tranquility and balance. Yellow light supports the cleansing effect of the infrared C radiation in the cabin and thus helps in the processing and elimination of toxins. Green is the color of the renewal. The green coloured lighting in the infrared cabin acts revitalising and regenerating – the ideal color to fill up with fresh energy. Stress can be wonderful Turquoise light break down. Turquoise helps depressive moods and has a calming effect. An extravagant lighting in the infrared cabin offers the color violet. Violet light has inspiring and promotes the inner balance. Expert Tip: Switching between colors during a session is not advisable, since only the concentrated power of the color can unfold their full effect. The Kaleidoscope of colors in the infrared heat cabins under supports the feel-good character and promotes the mental and physical regeneration processes in company description my sauna GmbH was founded in 2006 by Norbert Casellini and his wife Sylvia. In the same year was launched for the online shop, which specializes in the sales and consulting on high-quality infrared cabins. The successful shop founder recorded since then continuously growing customer and product sales, owing to on three essential criteria for success:-infrared cabins are a real alternative sauna on impact, space and installation costs.