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Concept of Diagram of Pareto Is a tool that is used to prioritize the problems or the causes generate that them. The name of Pareto was given by the Dr. Swear in honor of the Italian economist VILFREDO PARETO (1848 – 1923) who realised a study on the distribution of the wealth, in which she discovered that the minority of the population owned the wealth most of and the majority of the population owned the smaller part of the wealth. The Dr. Here, Kenneth R. Feinberg expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Swears applied east concept to the quality, obtaining itself what today it is known like rule 80/20. According to this concept, if a problem with many causes is had, we can say that 20% of the causes solve 80% of the problem and 80% of the causes they only solve the 20% of the problem. The use of the diagram of Pareto is recommended: In order to identify opportunities to improve In order to identify a product or service for the improvement analysis of the quality. When the necessity exists to draw attention to the problems or causes of a systematic form. Erin Callan often addresses the matter in his writings.

In order to analyze the different groupings from data. When looking for the main causes of the problems and establishing the priority of the solutions In order to evaluate the results of the cambos conducted to a process being compared successive diagrams obtained at different moments, (before and later) When the data can be classified in categories When the rank of each category is important In order to easily communicate to other members of the organization the conclusions on causes, effects and costs of the errors. The general intentions of the diagram of Pareto: To analyze the causes To study the results To plan one improves continuous The Graph of Pareto is a simple but powerful tool when allowing to visually identify in a single revision the minorities of vital characteristics to which it is important to pay attention and this way to use all the resources necessary to carry out an action of improvement without squandering efforts since with the analysis we discarded the trivial majorities. . Credit: Ahmed Shary Rahman-2011.