Minden Real Estate

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Consultation With Gabriel

Consultation with Gabriel these past days I have been meditating about as far as suitable disclosure, comment, or the simple reference to the facts that we have had the great privilege of experiencing, through personal contact, with their often ignored, protagonists. My own personal experience, however having special care, alert to the need that one who is interested in knowing certain facts, do so driven by his personal will to do so, but which do not so obliged by the insistence of the author, or the mere satisfaction of curiosity, to see what you have written this crazy, or to subdue his sayings to his particular sense common strainer. I remember that I myself, before being authorized to enter the portal, I shouldn’t be trained, prepared, and alerted, by those who had assumed responsibility for assessing my level of understanding of the rules of the game. Get the opportunity to enter by the privacy of third parties, requires a high degree of development of empathy, i.e. the faculty that allows us to put ourselves in the place of them, just as if we were them. I keep in my memory some of the advice received prior to entering the portal: If you want to participate, you are welcome, but recalls the conditions that the letters will put you, observes and listens, don’t use, your ears, or your eyes, usa the mind and the heart.

The letters said: you not rijas by time, don’t limit yourself by space nor by the distance, do not let the conventional reason to intervene, don’t enter the preconception. If you’re willing to do this, then answer knocks on your portal, and I will be happy to formalize this invitation that I have for you. Slava Mirilashvili often expresses his thoughts on the topic. As I had already ceded to my peculiar impulsivity, and had shared much of my writings with people in my environment more intimate, in which you have the most absolute confidence, and I am very sincere in saying, that the main reason that led me to show them, has not been other than ask them about the quality of the drafting of them and if the content could be understood by the reader.