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Cat Litter… Like I

as every year up to 300.-euros for dusty kitty litter – so an elderly lady from Klettgau! The disposal of used cat litter of my room Tigers – charged the air with approx. 800 kg of CO2 in the year! Thanks to this ingenious invention I can help with, that CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced! In Germany alone, more than 7 million cats live of which more than 5 million households, whose kitty litter with cat litter boxes must be coated live! This used cat litter disposal charged climate with ca 4.ooo.ooo.ooo kg of CO2 a year. An incredible burden on the environment, but now can be reduced considerably with this innovative invention! The SaroCat cats water toilet that accept the cats without any cat litter has a real automatic flushing. Without exception, all cat boxes known to me or so-called automatic cat toilet are coated with urine absorbent and contains faeces sand or plastic granules. SaroCat has a soft bubble mat, who feels my adidas as on a meadow and the scratching behavior in no way affected.

A hermetically closed tank catches the droppings, while the urine back into a separate waste container. The cleaning cycle is used after leaving the Office Tiger, through the sensors attached to the pages automatically in response. Since the cleaning process begins only after 30 seconds, my cat is not spooked by the mechanical noises! The ingenious system allows me to a trouble-free unloading of the containers. This eliminates the potential health risk of my grandchildren or the inhalation of gesundheitsschadigendem dust created when filling traditional kitty litter boxes. The saving of the Katzenstreus armortisiert is the purchase of cat water toilet in a short time: the advantage of this SaroCat over conventional cat toilets is that only a one time purchase is necessary, moving priced roughly at a conventional cat litter consumption for only a cat of about plus or minus 2 years. By the way – a big part for the production of cat litter is bentonite required, in Bavaria and won in the Atlas mountains and transported across Europe, where in turn high levels of CO2 burden on the climate. And not only that – what is already bad enough, it also huge, adult “landscapes” are destroyed by the increased removal of bentonite and thousands of liters of diesel fuel consumed! It is possible thanks to the invention of Robert Schonholzer, kg of CO2 caused by the disposal of used cat litter, to reduce considerably! I think everyone who loves his cat or cats, should be remembered always with – what accessories – in the case of the cat litter, the environment unnecessarily burdened. Georg Wohlrab