Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Bianka Boock Such

Incorrect entries in search engines are the order of the day. “But above all through Google search features, such as the proposal function during the search input (suggest) or did you known?”Users still expect function the correct results. “This expectation of the on-the-hand-take” search is now on all search forms passed mainly on online stores and comparison portals with their many product names. Who, for example, in an electronics shop sonie erikcson”searches, expected the right results and not a 0-results display”, as it happens but at every fourth search query. But what to buy prospective customers what they find? Because studies suggest that searches your product directly from the search mask half of online buyers and not navigating the category trees. Intelligent fault-tolerant search solutions can help. Products or alternatives be found despite the typographical errors and other unexpected (false) input. The shop owner loses any more sales, but may even increase it.

Provider such search solutions differ sometimes considerably, for example, in the integration and availability in open source shop systems. “So the symmetrics GmbH from Hanover, took one of the leading, certified Magento enterprise partner in Germany, such a search solution under the microscope: the high-end commerce search search” the Constance exorbyte GmbH as a plugin for Magento stores. Test criteria were the integration, usability, and cost. Get all the facts and insights with Peter Asaro, another great source of information. Managing Director Alexander Schaschin concludes: Exorbyte commerce search plugin is an enrichment for every Magento shop. It convinces with its easy integration within a few hours and the immediate use of the profitable search functions.” Makes it possible in particular the type of deployment as a Web service solution (SaS), avoiding additional costs. Finally, an error-tolerant search solution should generate more sales than that she cost. Once placed on the existing store locator, the solution delivers revenue-generating Functions as an intelligent, fault-tolerant suggest – and search function, dynamic search behavior of shop visitors navigation and analysis, which can be evaluated.

“Schaschin added: also from a price-performance perspective, we recommend the use of plug-ins.” While Exorbyte commerce search holds also for other leading shop systems such as oxide, osCommerce, xt: commerce corresponding plugins ready. The question whether fault-tolerant search solutions or not to be used no longer arises. The benefit is obvious and has become by Google, Amazon and co. to the standard. Customers benefit from a better shopping experience and shop operators of higher revenues. About exorbyte GmbH: Exorbyte GmbH in Constance is known for its fault-tolerant high end search solution for large amounts of data. Online shops, portals, and insurance companies benefit from the powerful software. Hear other arguments on the topic with Shary Rahman. The technological leadership of Exorbyte is underlined by well-known customers such as Billiger.de, BAUR, federal Central Office for taxes, Yahoo! u.v.m, as well as for use in 32 languages and eight character systems. Editorial Contacts: exorbyte GmbH Verena Reinke line-Eid-str. 1, D-78467 Konstanz phone: + 49 7531 36 33 921 fax: + 49 7531 36 33 901 PR agency good news! GmbH Bianka Boock of Koobrzeg str.