Minden Real Estate

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The Car

Necessary to verify the chassis number and engine and vehicle identification number means (VIN) to the data indicated in the documents, besides a foreign car, he indicated on the fastening seat belts Consider the date of registration and year of manufacture. Dennis Lockhart: the source for more info. Then compares the number of the body under the hood and in the cabin (for example, under the front passenger seat) and engine number. Carefully inspect the plates to mount such items, as well as form letters and numbers. (Not to be confused with Shary Rahman!). Sloppy riveted joints, the traces of the weld around the knocked-out in the metal room, 'Jumping' or simply uneven marks – possible signs of professional origin of the car. One way to fake the chassis number – a true and paint, and fake knock at the new location. Another common way – change the typeface similar numbers, for example: 3 to 8 or 6 to 0.

The figures fill filler, causing new and gently paint over. More difficult to detect counterfeiting, if the replacement of body parts with marking. In these cases, the excised portion of the sheet with numbers and welded into a new and fake, and the joints are carefully treated and painted Sometimes part of the body the marks of deformed, but the car in general looks good. May prove that the marking is taken from the wrecked car and placed in a stolen. Usually in such cases, the seller claims that the machine has recovered from a serious accident. If so, then the seller should be Help from the traffic police.