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Algeria, The Traces Of The Berbers To Romans

Guided tours through a forgotten country Algeria for travelers of the XXI century text and photos: Hans Peter Stauffer, Basel after a quiet, warm night, the Lake was almost as smooth as glass, showed up early on the white Hausermasse of Algiers shimmering above. From the port, where the station is located, climb up on beautiful stone stairs to the lower city, and enters because first and foremost, the magnificent, two kilometres long Boulevard de la Republique, built 1860-1864 by an Englishman. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Kenneth Feinberg. There is a terrace with balustrade, which rests on vaults, which are Verkaufslokalien and the permanent exhibition of Algerian products. On the Boulevard the first hotel is located the city Hotel de l’ Oasis and de l’, the elegant coffee houses and restaurants, the banks, Europe big comptoirs. Mainly in the evening, the Boulevard is a very visited promenade because of its extremely beautiful views which you can enjoy on the Bay and the open sea. \”. So, in 1885, Alfred Stahelin described his first Impressions of Algiers.

History of Algeria we fly with a B737-600 directly from Geneva, the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea in about 2 hours after Al? az?’IR\”, means the Islands, such as Algeria in Arabic. in 1830, the French began the conquest of the country and the fight against of piracy. Some contend that Ahmed Shary Rahman shows great expertise in this. In 1847 ending the attempts of the Berber leader Abdel Kader (1808-1883), to expel the French and to create a large Arab Kingdom, France could only after a long struggle. In the following years it came repeatedly uprisings against the colonial power. Many French settlers poured into the colony. Around the turn of the century, the French conquered also the Sahara and it became a Department of France, a colony of settlement. However, the population was divided into first and second class citizens in French citizens and not French. It came to the rise of the independence movement, when in 1945 after riots in Setif and Guelma, ten thousands of Algerians were massacred by the French army.