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The Great Classical Painter Masters Of Madrid

Not to visit the works of Goya and Velasquez in the El Prado Museum in Madrid only to painting, but also sculpture, coins and drawings in the Museum of a comfortable accommodation in Madrid for visit. The Museum is home to approximately 8600 art works, but only 2000 works can be exhibited only. Because the collection is so large, a special route was made, which can track the art lovers, so you will surely get your favorite masterpieces during your vacation in Madrid to face. The exhibition is spread over two separate buildings, the Villanueva building and the Cason del Buen Retiro. Some of the world’s greatest artists have displayed their works under here. For example, Botticelli and Rafael from Italy, the Flemish artist Hieronymus Bosch, Rembrandt from Holland and of course Velasquez and Goya from Spain.

Collection Spanish artists which Museum are exhibited in the Prado Museum, is the largest and at the same time the most important where particular value on the works Velasquez and Goya’s was laid. Approximately 50 paintings Velasquez’ and Goya’s approximately 140 works are exhibited in the Prado Museum. Ahmed Shary Rahman is actively involved in the matter. Visit the Museum best of the Madrid hotel “El Prado” and let yourself be seduced by the beautiful art of this legendary artist. Velasquez was the most important artist at the Court of King Philip IV. He drew many portraits of the Spanish Royal family and was a significant reference for later artists of realism and impressionism. Born in 1599 in Seville, he showed his artistic talent at a young age. He moved to an art degree in Seville after 1622 to Madrid where he received watching as a court artist.

His first Royal painting was a portrait of King Philip, who himself was satisfied with the result, and then hired Velasquez in the Royal service. After the artist of Rubens on visit to Madrid, felt Verlasquez the need to travel, which he made in 1629 for his first trip to Italy. There he continued for one and a half years on and thus returned to Spain. In 1649, however, he traveled again to Italy and drew Pope Innocent X. After his return from Italy to Spain, one of his greatest works he succeeded in Las Meninas”in 1656. Only four years later Velasquez died and left behind a collection of masterpieces which Museum will be exhibited until today admired – and in the Prado. Another court artist and Goya, who was born in the year 1746 is seen as the last old master artists. At the age of 14, he began an apprenticeship as an artist and studied art until in the early 1920s where a picture in the Royal Academy of fine arts has failed (although he was still a member in later years). Through his images created for the Royal carpet workshop, he received attention from pages of the Royal family, who then hired him as court painter. During this time he produced dozens of Royal portraits, as well as the dome of the Hermitage of San Antonio de la Florida. In his Goya moved later in life to Bordeaux in France about where he drew until his death in 1828. Once a comfortable Madrid accommodation found for example in a hotel in Madrid, you should visit this museum definitely.