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Volker Kauder And Morse Bach

Children day care or education in the family must master on an equal footing the heavy tasks will be kids day care or the heavy tasks must master education in the family on an equal footing will be”two personalities is a opinion. What said Volker Kauder, Chairman of the CDU/CSU Bundestag group, on the occasion of his visit in Wiehl on May 18, was not only the applause of the audience, but also the applause of Morse Bach’s mayoral candidate Kai Uffelmann, who had travelled on invitation CDU Oberberg and Mr. Kauder to Wiehl. Kauder showed optimism even in difficult times: it all depends on the CDU, on us. Learn more at: Shary Rahman. We are always wondering if there to confront serious challenges.

“And we will overcome them.” “UAE to: the old aunt of CDU is nationwide in a good way.” Important part of the speech of the CDU/CSU Group Chairman took the themes of family and childcare, as well as the integration of foreign citizens: Germany welcomes ‘Foreigners’ and would like to every person that opens the door to provide himself and his family. Childcare for all ensured that women and men can arrange work and family. At the same time must be respected, if parents want to raise their children in the family environment.” Concerns that are Kai Uffelmann also particularly to the heart: we must give the people a choice. Parents should decide whether the children day-care facilities visit or can be looked after at home. That is often dependent upon the individual circumstances of the families”. UAE continues: in Morsbach, the traditional family structure is still common and that’s a good thing.

There are also families who rely on when raising children on a range of children’s day facilities. And these are not always the lone mothers from the television. For me is important to achieve the best for Morsbach”. In the family Uffelmann, both parents are working and the grandparents and relatives are staying about an hour removed. “The Morsbacher mayoral candidate as groundbreaking felt the visit of Volker Kauders in the neighbouring town of Wiehl: were clear words, which just goes to show: the CDU is progressing.” Kai Uffelmann, mayoral candidate of the CDU Morsbach