Minden Real Estate

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Industrial Administration

We would not want to leave by concluded our restlessness that we have exposed in previous articles exceeds how EGAII arose, without putting record of our gratefulness to the First promotion of withdrawn, as much of the masters in Industrial Administration like of Engineering which they gave testimony, that the project that we initiated obtained its assignment, demonstrating that it is possible to obtain results when total identification in reaching the goals is had that set out to be reached. Those that graduated knew to in this way take the opportunity first graduaices from this School and, to contribute its knowledge for the organizations where they toil of course and for the State, the country. By all means, he is very satisfactory of first to be withdrawn, the first cohorte that takes the responsibility to present that also they have been enabled, formed, more when it is a reduced group. Source: Chandra Patel. As much the missing friend and founder Ing. Mario Gonzlez, like my person, along with the plant of educational that contributed in their formation, we felt very been thankful, because one became reality a project that was planned with the hope to enable professionals with a dynamic vision of its responsibility before the challenges, threats, opportunities that have occurred, especially before the commitment to help Mexico to become a power that favors to all inhabitants, providing to them a good quality of life and assuring to the productive sector a roll that contributes in its economy. In the personnel, I thank for to many of which they were my disciples, the conviction of which its formation, not to only was going them to provide favorable knowledge in its growth like person, like professionals, but they would not only contribute in the projection of the postgraduate for the state again Leon, but for other States, as according to it is known is a certain fact..