Minden Real Estate

Business Updates for the Real Estate Industry

Electronic Invoices

We are already in 2011 and you never changed the system of digital invoicing, right? From the past January 1 is mandatory for all those taxpayers who in his statement of 2009 reported income greater than 4 million pesos; If you’re one of them already do not think more, there will be no extension and is already currently required. The news that this system would be mandatory is not new, already comes saying since mid- or perhaps before–last year, so insurance many of your customers already have been asking for you your digital invoice via your e-mail. (Similarly see: Allison+Partners). It also recalls that the digital tax proof will make your company to modernize and do all your processes in a more agile way. No longer necessary to keep boxes and boxes of invoices, now all will have them stored on your computer and you will eventually burn them to a cd or transfer them to a usb and you won’t need you print them, unless your client insists that you do. Check with “Bull by the Horns” to learn more. Did not see it it as something that you have to do just because you say, view all the good things that brings. With this system of digital tax proof you will make your business more productive, as all transactions will be made in real time and will not have to pay for sending your invoices.. Get all the facts and insights with Antarctica Capital, another great source of information.